baby milk


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2011
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i was just wondering what milk your planning on feeding baby, i thinking about using cow and gate this time x
so lucky in in norway there are so much on breastfeeding that there is only 1 brand of milk and that is so expensive and you dont really see it at every supermarket...
I used cow and gate with Adam, never had any problems. Im using it again this time x x

so lucky in in norway there are so much on breastfeeding that there is only 1 brand of milk and that is so expensive and you dont really see it at every supermarket...

aww no ur joking :( x
Iim going to use cow and gate this time. I used sma gold at first with my princess but she didnt like it so im not even going to bother with it this tim.
If baby dont like cow and gate i may try aptamil
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mummy to adam, do they have that milk in hospital? x
Am planning on breast feeding for as long as possible, but if baby doesn't take to it then I'm planning to use cow and gate, think it may have something to do with the packaging, prefer the box.
mummy to adam, do they have that milk in hospital? x

No tgey have a breatfeeding campaign and dont offer milk anymore so ive bought the ready made sterilised cow and gate bottles, i got them from Asda, they were about £14 for 12 x x

Jack has Cow & Gate and we've had no problems at all. We only chose it because it was 'middle price' lol. Glad we picked it though :) x
I used Cow & Gate with my 2 girls i chose it with dd1 mainly because a friend of mine used it and i was caught on the hop when they asked me in hospital!

Didnt have any problems with it so used it for dd2 aswell, she was fine too so will be going with the same again,

Slightly different note tho i checked the price of milk the other day :shock: cant beleive how expensive it is now compared to nearly 7 yrs ago! xx
This is a bit of a stupid question but how long roughly would the milk in 1 tub last?
Cow & Gate says use within 4 weeks but you will use it ALOT quicker than that unless your combining BF with it. Jack goes through a tub in about 9 days at the moment x
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In leaning towrd using SMA... purely because thats what my mum used
Am gonna try cow gate is time had sma with me son but he ended up aptamil was great but u don't get that hospitals so see how cow gate goes x
i used sma gold on both my kids but i wanna try something diffrent their is loads of cow and gate products on the market and i think it would be really good to use and cheap :)
both my boys were sma babies but am going with actimil this time i think know its bit more expensive but even if u go through a tin a week its only bout 60p. our hospital has also stopped suppling milk does supple the bottles though xxx

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