baby massage


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
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Do any of you do baby massage?

i started it last week with luke, its a 4 week course and its free :dance: and he loved it first week, he let me strip him right down. i'm hoping it will help him with his bad guts and wind problem!! :pray:
we did and alice loves it! we still do it now!

its like another form of play. we do nursery rhymes on her belly and the like. she chuckles away at it!

if you find he doesn't like being stripped, you can always do it through a vest. i find alice is happier if she keeps her vest on.
im going to do this with emily in a few weeks :D
i hope she lets me do it lol, id be so embarassd if she cried all the way through
it took alice a few weeks, but then it took me a few weeks as well :)

i did alices every time she got out the bath and she got used to it. she LOVES her feet being bubbed now.

enjoy it girls!
Im taking Olivia Today!

There isnt one here anymore but the lady that does the mother and baby group we goto is doing a course on it at the min and she needs babies to do a write up on so me and my neighbour are going!

Not sure if Olivia will keep still as she is crawling now but its worth a try :rotfl:

Hopefully when she has finished the course she will start a group for it!
Well we went and Olivia did really well!

She tried to get up at first but once we got into it she stayed still!

It was only when i put her on her tummy to massarge her back that she crawled off :roll:

Anyway i think she i enjoyed it and i enjoyed the one to one time! She was shattered afterwards tho :D

She gave me a card on how to did a 5 minute massarge ill copy it and post it for you when i get a chance!
5 Minute Massage Routine!

Remember To Ask Baby If It Is Ok To Start Massage.
Pour The Oil Onto Your Hands And Allow It To Warm. Repeat Each Stroke 3-^ Times!

1. Stroke up the chest over the shoulders over the tummy down the legs right to the tip of each toe.

2.Gently massage each arm from the shoulder to the tips of the fingers. (Be careful over the joints)

3.With a flat hand make clockwise circles on the tummy.

4. Gently kneed each leg from foot to thigh circle around the knee and slide fingers down the front of the leg.

5. Massage the soles of the feet.

6. Peddle the legs.

7. Turn onto tummy and stroke the back and then the bottom in a clockwise direction.

8. Give a kiss and a cuddle to end the massage and offer baby a drink.

Don't Massage if:

* Your baby is ill or has a fever.

* Has been immunished in the last 5 days.

* If your baby has any medical conditions seek medical advice before massageing!

Give it a go, there are lots of benefits to massage, if you would like to know some let me know and ill post some off the leaflet!

was this at sure start my HV suggested it but he hates having his clothes off so am not sure if he would like it.
cloud9 said:
was this at sure start my HV suggested it but he hates having his clothes off so am not sure if he would like it.

you don't have to strip him off cloud, a lot of the babies at my first class didn't like it with their clothes off so they did it through their clothes.
What age do you generally start? My Health Visitor does classes, has offered to come to my home to teach me but I ain't sure when.
They told me the earlier the better as they get used to it!

there was a tiny baby and her mummy there yest and she really liked it she was cooing away bless her!
I started with Rubes at around 6 weeks, she didnt like it much then, but I do it now after her bath at night..I use Johnsons baby oil massage gel-not as slippy as oil, and she loves it, the best bit is when I lie her on her tummy and massage her bum cheeks-I squeeze them gently and make a horn like beeping noise!! She kicks and squeals away!!! :rotfl: Her skin is so soft and she sleeps so well its part of our routine now and only takes 5 mins each night xxxx

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