5 Minute Massage Routine!
Remember To Ask Baby If It Is Ok To Start Massage.
Pour The Oil Onto Your Hands And Allow It To Warm. Repeat Each Stroke 3-^ Times!
1. Stroke up the chest over the shoulders over the tummy down the legs right to the tip of each toe.
2.Gently massage each arm from the shoulder to the tips of the fingers. (Be careful over the joints)
3.With a flat hand make clockwise circles on the tummy.
4. Gently kneed each leg from foot to thigh circle around the knee and slide fingers down the front of the leg.
5. Massage the soles of the feet.
6. Peddle the legs.
7. Turn onto tummy and stroke the back and then the bottom in a clockwise direction.
8. Give a kiss and a cuddle to end the massage and offer baby a drink.
Don't Massage if:
* Your baby is ill or has a fever.
* Has been immunished in the last 5 days.
* If your baby has any medical conditions seek medical advice before massageing!
Give it a go, there are lots of benefits to massage, if you would like to know some let me know and ill post some off the leaflet!