Baby lost weight


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2010
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Brody was weighed today and has lost 4oz :( He was 8lb 11oz when he was born and was 8lb 7oz today. We're ff. Has anyone else had this?

He feeds every 3-5 hours and on demand. We don't tend to wake him at night for a feed and he wakes us. So usually has something around 1am and 5am. Takes between 3-4 oz atm.

Thanks xx
Try not to worry Hun, its Quite commen for newborns to loose weight. Tegan was 8lb 1 at birth and within 3 days had dropped to 7lb 5 oz, i was breastfeeding thoug xx
Its normal hun that's actually a very good weight M went from 7lbs 1 1/2 oz to 6lbs 5oz which is weight loss they start to worry about she had jaundice and soon piled it all abck on xx

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Give it a week and he'll be over his birth weight at next weigh in :)
They usually allow 2 weeks approx to regain birth weight. My LO was poorly at 8 days old and she still managed to regain by about 3 week old. She was soon back on her centile line :)
Thanks ladies. Did anyone ff?xx
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As the girls have said, it's normal :) my l/o dropped to 6lb12.
yeah it is perfectly normal. j went from 6lb15 to 6lb 3 when he was born!! xx no advice on ff as we werent by that point (well we started in the evening at exactly 1 weeks old) x
Yeah I'm FF, I was told they usually lose around up to 10% of there birth weight and gain back in a couple of weeks. But I did start with BF all of mine. Except due to complicated c section with this baby I topped up with formula almost straight away as I had no supply. Sophia only lost about 5oz and then put it all back on in a week but lost a bit again because she was poorly. But by 3 weeks she was fine :£
don't worry, emma lost 15% of her birth weight and took 4 weeks to put back on. we started formula feeding as i didn't think i had much milk. she is still really light, about 9th centile but is very healthy, sparky and active.

sounds like your lo is taking about the right amount and you are doing the right thing. please try and not get worried about it - i wish i hadn't!!

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