My baby is almost 11 months and has stopped feeding in the day. He has a feed when he wakes up around 6:30 and doesn't feed now until bath time (we bath together around 6pm and he feeds in there) and another right before bed often falling asleep at the breast.
I haven't encouraged this in a way that I am aware of. He soon went down to feeding from me in the day just after nap times. Then naps reduced or two a day and now he's stopped feeding after them. I offer and he turns away.
The problem is he has increased his night feeds to every two hours again. I can cope with that if that what he needs but the problem is he's feeding so much at night that his nappies are so full (pampers night time plus) that they're leaking, sometimes twice!! This obviously upsets him when he has to have a complete clothes change and sometimes he's up for an hour then. It also makes him cranky in the morning and need a nap about two hours after waking when this happens.
Any ideas?
Should I try to get him to feed from me in the day again? Not sure how though. Should I give him more water in the day? He loves water and drinks from a cup - refuses a sippy cup and wants my cup of water when I drink lol copies me.
I give him loads of cuddles - he can be quite clingy - and am sensitive to his needs for closeness like kellymom suggests. I let him lead in every aspect of his development - I haven't.pushed anything in any way except praise. I have gone back to work just one day a week and he goes to my mums which he has done since September and he loves it - he pushes me away giggling and waving.
There is a chance I could be pregnant but if so only 3/4 weeks, I wonder if he's gone off my milk in the day?
Thank you for reading.
I haven't encouraged this in a way that I am aware of. He soon went down to feeding from me in the day just after nap times. Then naps reduced or two a day and now he's stopped feeding after them. I offer and he turns away.
The problem is he has increased his night feeds to every two hours again. I can cope with that if that what he needs but the problem is he's feeding so much at night that his nappies are so full (pampers night time plus) that they're leaking, sometimes twice!! This obviously upsets him when he has to have a complete clothes change and sometimes he's up for an hour then. It also makes him cranky in the morning and need a nap about two hours after waking when this happens.
Any ideas?
Should I try to get him to feed from me in the day again? Not sure how though. Should I give him more water in the day? He loves water and drinks from a cup - refuses a sippy cup and wants my cup of water when I drink lol copies me.
I give him loads of cuddles - he can be quite clingy - and am sensitive to his needs for closeness like kellymom suggests. I let him lead in every aspect of his development - I haven't.pushed anything in any way except praise. I have gone back to work just one day a week and he goes to my mums which he has done since September and he loves it - he pushes me away giggling and waving.
There is a chance I could be pregnant but if so only 3/4 weeks, I wonder if he's gone off my milk in the day?
Thank you for reading.