Baby is kicking soo much...


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2010
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I love feeling the baby kicking but its getting so much and it feels like baby is lying really low... Feel the baby kicking really hard and I can see it outside my bump now but its so uncomfortable.. is this normal?
hi scadicmum - yes this is normal - I'm exactly the same. All movement is really low with me as my baby is currently breech. Is your baby breech too?
No I dont think so? how did u find out the baby was breech. I had a scan not long ago and all seemed fine.. x
Oliver was permanently breech and my placenta was at the back so I felt every movement from about 11 weeks and although I loved the feeling and connection with my little one, at times it was sooooo uncomfortable and I would look forward to when he went to sleep....luckily he slept at night when I did not like my first Charlie who would kick the mattress when I lay on my right side Lol
My baby really active too, always moving but not annoying for me yet! Only time it does get uncomfy is when I'm driving and baby moving as my jeans & belt is digging in, think I need to wear something loser in the car, probably annoying the poor thing!
Yes very normal, my baby kicks very low as well, but sometimes she moves up like today when I was in the bath, I lay there watching her kick water out of my bellybutton :)
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I see:) I dont remember much from the pregnancy with my child. Just in the end wher the baby kicked my ribs so much that it hurted..

Since I start feeling the baby kicking, i only feel the baby kicking exactly same place everyday.. And I just find it a bit strange how I can feel the "Feet" just same place all time..

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