baby due in april.


Active Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Hi, Just wondered if anyone else was due in April and want to chat and share notes along this amazing path ??

Luv Kylie XX
Hi Kylie

Just found out I am pregnant an I have worked it out to be due in April....I am four weeks at the moment......just want to get through the "danger zone". Would love to go through it with you......!
Hi Julia,
Congratulations on your news, I`m Only 5weeks pg.
I know how you are feeling about the `danger zone`, my hubby and i have been ttc for nearly a year now so this is a well waited for baby!!
Its a exciting time, but worrying too. I wasnt going to tell anyone my news but thoght in the end i could do with all the help/support i can, so im telling friends this weekend.

Hope to hear from you soon.
Luv Kylie XX
Me and my hubby are both teachers so we have a long break at the moment, which could not have come at a better time! I had a miscarriage in March so I am very nervous, as you can imagine. I am just taking it easy and having a little sleep when I feel like it. I want to give my little sesame seed the best chance possible. We are not going to go abroad this year, I don't want to fly or really be away from home for the first 3 months. I don't see a problem with telling people the good news because in the long run you get more support and understanding throughout the pregnancy and also people like to hear good news. The only people I feel a little guilty telling are those who I know who have been trying to conceive for a long time. People will eventually guess with me due to the fact me and DH socialise so much in our local pub! People have already asked why I am not drinking!!!! I can only say a bad stomach for so long!!!! Speak soon xx
Julia, Fingers crossed for both of us!!
so sorry for your sad loss, must of been an extremely hurtful have something positive to look forward to again now!

Im the same on the drinking front, thats why i have to tell people as they will know straight away when i keep on ordering just a coke (without the jack!!)

Its going to be hard not drinking (or having the occasional ciggie when allite tipsy) but hey, im sure i can cope!!!

Myhubby is well pleased he has just realised that we dont need to get taxis for awhile as im his new `taxi`!

Got doctors tomoorow, alittle nervous, but excited at the same time, dont know whats going to happen at our little chat.
Will keep you posted
Hope to hear from you soon
Kylie XX

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