Baby Dropping Questions...


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2010
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Ok, so from what I can gather from here and google, baby drops at rough 35 weeks (give or take). What are the signs that this has happened and is it possible for this to happen early? The reason I ask is that my OH said to me that he's sure my bump is a hell of a lot lower than it was a few days ago and now I think about it, he's right. I no longer feel like baby is sitting on my lungs, I have to go to the loo loads more and I never feel empty if you know what I mean. Also, I get real pains when I walk too long, not my SPD pain but the underside of my bump and all around my groin....

Is this what it feels like? I'm confused.... :)

it could be hun but at 29wks baby might just have gone for a wriggle and may go back up yet but it does def make you feel like you can breath again bump goes from under your boobs right back down again
My little man hasn't dropped yet!! He's still clinging onto my ribs!
Seb dropped at about 35 weeks, the biggest clue is that there is now a massive gap between my boobs and my bump and I can now breathe freely again! Lol!

LM-Sebs def dropped and is engaging but he's still got stuff shoved up in my ribs! Mw who measured me on Wednesday confirmed it.
When I was 28 weeks it felt like baby was a lot lower as I was feeling sharp pains in my cervix. Then at my 32 week midwife appointment she said he was transverse and at my 34 week one he was 4/5th engaged (find out what he is now today) so they do move around lot before the lack of room happens. With first babies I know they tend to be head down earlier on though.
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I think he got his foot stuck earlier! Lol I felt this pulling on my rib then a massive pain like he yanked his foot out!! Took my breathe away for abit!!
Mines got a habit of stretching his feet out under my ribs when I'm eating!! It's so so uncomfortable!
mine pushes his feets up and head down at same time having a good stretch and its well weird feeling!
i cant wait for him to drop tho.. its not easy to sit forward when a massive bum pressures on the ribs!
Hehe, I used to be able to feel her tap dancing on my ribs but not so much any more. Maybe she has just gone for a wriggle, I dunno, heh. As long as she isn't planning on going anywhere to drastic just yet then she can wriggle where she likes :D

It is possible to drop early. It happened for me at 33 weeks. I also know a woman who's baby dropped at 28 weeks, but he didn't come out until 2 weeks before his due date lol. My midwife said just because you've dropped, doesn't mean baby will come any sooner. :)
i saw my M/W at 28weeks any baby was head down, went to a 3d scan on saterday and still head-down, and she said baby will stay like this now, does this mean that shes "dropped" or just the right way to come out?

No it just means that bubba is in the right position for when they decide to drop and engage. I am the same, she has been head down for about 6 weeks but i definitely havent dropped.

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