Baby bump?


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2010
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I was just wondering, this is my first baby, im rather thin always been just over 8stone, and tallish, I really want a baby bump by christmas, does my small weight, and the fact its my first baby mean I won't get much of a bump, 'cause I would really like something to show off by xmas :lol:

any ideas :)?

I was 8 stone 2 ( I lost weight for no reason at the start, usually 8.5) when I fell pregnant, and am quite tall. If you check out the bump pics you will see that I don't really have a bump yet and I am a week and a bit away from bring 6 months.

The general rule is that first babies don't really show as soon as your body is not used to the shape/size etc? Where as the second time roun your body "remembers". A lot has to do with your shape too. For instance I have a long torso so there is more room for expansion and an illusion ( that shattered when I wear empire waist cling clothes) that I don't have a bump at all. If you are short I would imagine that a baby would
look bigger on you too.

The other thing it's probably down to genetics. My mother was like me, she didn't form a "bump" until she was 6-7 months.

So, don't worry, a bump will appear when it's good and ready!x
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Hiya I was 8 stone with my first son and quite slim.
I thought id be the same and have a small bump but after 25 weeks I got huge, like massive huge lol
But some people I know stay tiny.
It all depends really :)
I'm 5' 1" and 20 +3 atm and I'm getting a bit of a bump already and this is my first! So I guess it just varies from woman to woman!
Thanks girls :) I know another girl, who is the same as me except a bit skinnier, she is 17 weeks now and has a bit of a bump, im just so desperate for a bump to show off! just keep thinking im not going to get one for some reason lol. Bet im not crying out for a bump at 40 weeks haha! xx
bare in mind u are only 13 weeks. anything can change between now and the next 9 weeks, u may even get a lil bump. some slim n tall ppl dont show til the latter stage of pregnancy.
but i hope u get a bump :)

this is my first but i look like i was 4 months by the time i hit 10 weeks lol now i look like im about 8months n im 5 n a half months.
I didnt start showing till I was 20 weeks if I did before i never noticed I gave up doing weekly photos could never see a difference so now I'm doing one every 4 weeks maybe 2 weeks towards the end x

Heres my bump at 20 weeks x This is my first baby x
20 weeks.jpg20 weeks (2).jpg
im 19 weeks and i used to have a washboard tummy..but knw all u can see is what looks from skin tight clothes a bit of a if i like my mcd's and drinks ha ha ha im 7 and half stone weighed last week and 5''4
Just so you can see, this is my pregnancy with my son.

21 weeks I was still quite small...

and then at 34 weeks I was huge lol ....

Oh god sorry about the size!
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Just so you can see, this is my pregnancy with my son.

21 weeks I was still quite small...

and then at 34 weeks I was huge lol ....

Oh god sorry about the size!

Wow for the 34 weeks one :O. I'm kind of dreading mine if I get that big, I'm already bumping into things now lol x
wow sorry to take away from the original poster but that last picture! tis sooo cool!!! im only 14weeks and on first baby too so no bump yet though im quite a large lady and not sure if that means my fat will cover the bump or make it seem bigger when it begins to show?! x
Oh my word ! what a large bump! can't wait, exciting for kicking too ! just wish everything would hurry up! I dont want to look fat no more haha! xx

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