Baby Blues


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2007
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Most of the books I have read mention that most women will experience "baby blues" shortly after LO is born.

Can you share your experiences with me please, did you experience feeling down, what was it like and how long did it last, what did you do to help your moods and to help come out of it?

I understand this is not the same as PND and would just like to know about "baby blues" please :)
I definately got the baby blues for a few days after giving birth.

My emotions were all over the place, crying alot and feeling overwhelmed and worried that i couldnt cope. It also coinsided with breastfeeding being very painful so i would cry at each feed especially :cry:
All i can say is that i felt very low for a few days. OH was great so were the midwives that came to visit, they all were reassuring and supportive.

After a few days that low feeling went for me, i still have teary moments now but i blame my hormones :)
:wave: I've had them too.

About Day 5 I suddenly broke down and started bawling it for no apparant reason. I just felt so happy and so scared at the same time- that this was my baby- she was finally here!

At the moment I get quite teary because my OH went back to work yesterday and it was a bit overwhelming but I managed ok yesterday and today I am feeling a bit more confident!

Its just all the hormones getting back into balance... not that mine have EVER been balanced! :roll: :rotfl:
hi hun i had baby blues with my son and on about day 3/4 i just couldnt stop crying for no reason and felt really rubbish but it passed in days, with my daughter i had pnd and it was totally different i felt sad and resentful, i hated myself and hate to say but really resented Hannah i felt sad and down and had no energy and also really bad thoughts and was really detached from Hannah, it was only through my mum and mu husband going to the doctor when Hannah was 2 months old saying they were worried about me that i got help and i am so glad they did :hug:
Mine was day 2, i was stuck in hospital struggling with breastfeeding & remember being on the phone to my mum then OH telling them i felt like a failure & just wanted tp come home :lol: it felt like the end of the world but i was ok soon as i got home. Ur very up & down anyway due to hormones, tiredness & just a whole change of your life... ive had a few 'mini breakdowns' where i just felt i couldnt go on but its always better the day after and usually cos im mega tired & over emotional. The doc said to me to watch out for several bad days that gradually get worse, if you start to have more bad days than good then go to see him or HV.
Mine started about a week after I'd given birth.

To be honest it was pretty awful. I was in tears most of the time for no apparent reason, I felt so unhappy and depressed and just felt like there was no hope I'd ever be happy again.

Mum and Dad were staying and I think if they hadn't been there it would have been a lot worse. Mum took Ash out so I could have some time to myself between feeds and let me have my salt baths.

It lasted abotu 4 days. Then the recoveryt was gradual. I didn't suddnely feel normal again, one day I just felt a little better and then a little bit more the next day, and so on.

It does pass though, but be prepared, I had no idea what it was going to be like.
My baby blues hit on day 2!

It's meant to be a sign that your milk is coming in, and by god, did my milk come in! Think Jordan x Pammie x Lulu Ferrari!!

My ex went to the kitchen in the hospital to get me my dinner, and was gone for all of 5 minutes.

I was smilling and cuddling Mhairi when he left and when he came back I was in floods of tears!

I stayed like that for the rest of the day and was fine the next!

I got a bit tearful on about day 4, the day after I left hospital. I had to have a c-section and I felt a total failure that I couldnt deliever my baby normally! Then like infoabumpyride I got upset when Chris had to go to work! I begged him not to go!!
Mine hit on Day 5, as others have said, it coincided with milk coming in and struggling with breast-feeding. Hubby had gone to collect his mum (4 hour round trip) so she could come and stay and see baby. I spent all day bawling, feeling I couldn't cope and was just so tired. By the evening, I freaked out when my baby had blood on its mouth while breastfeeding (it was my blood, my nipples were already so raw - sorry if TMI!). Not the best time for MIL to come and stay either!!! To be honest I felt pretty low for a week or so, but I think mainly to do with the breastfeeding - I ended up with mastitis after 2 weeks. Switched to expressing for another 2 weeks, then switched to formula completely. Will try to bf this time around, but not going to kill myself over it, it's not worth spoiling your relationship with baby over it.
MW's recommendation for dealing with blues was lots of TLC from hubby and lots of dark chocolate (the 70% cocoa stuff!). I wasn't going to complain if I was actually being told to eat chocolate for once!
xkikix said:
I got a bit tearful on about day 4, the day after I left hospital. I had to have a c-section and I felt a total failure that I couldnt deliever my baby normally! Then like infoabumpyride I got upset when Chris had to go to work! I begged him not to go!!

This was me too, I felt very sad that my LO got a traumatic birth which took a few days to come out, I think when the initial euphoria and relief wore off and the milk came in. It passes quite quickly though, I found a good old sob to let it all out did wonders, and I kept reminding myself it was due to hormones to stop myself dwelling on it too much!
Like others have said I think it coincided with my milk coming in about 2 days after he was born but i was so buzy and stressed with him being in scbu its hard to say what was that stress and what was baby blues - sorry i am not the best person to comment really :hug:
Mine was Day 3 and was when my milk came in. My dad upset me on the phone (he's good at things like that), and I was in hospital still on my own with a baby and I just cried and cried while the poor midwife sat there and tried to listen. Poor lady.

Since then I have had low periods especially when my boobs started to hurt (mastitis) but have been better since they've sorted themselves out.

Not much fun anyway. I think our hormones are all over the shop at the moment :hug:
Mine hit on day 3, I remember sitting on the edge of the sofa with Jacob in my arms sobbing my heart out! Mine lasted for about 4 weeks, I had tonsillitis all that time and I could shift it because I was so run down, it took 4 courses of antibiotics to get rid of it.... so that didn't help!
clarey said:
xkikix said:
I got a bit tearful on about day 4, the day after I left hospital. I had to have a c-section and I felt a total failure that I couldnt deliever my baby normally! Then like infoabumpyride I got upset when Chris had to go to work! I begged him not to go!!

This was me too, I felt very sad that my LO got a traumatic birth which took a few days to come out, I think when the initial euphoria and relief wore off and the milk came in. It passes quite quickly though, I found a good old sob to let it all out did wonders, and I kept reminding myself it was due to hormones to stop myself dwelling on it too much!

Ditto to these! Had a couple of sobby moments over the last fortnight but I think those were down to tiredness more than anything hormonal!
My experience is similar to all the other posts - I started to feel tearful on day 3 when my mum went home!! After that I cried every evening (usually at about 8pm!) for about a week. I was fine during the day but as soon as night time came I felt weepy - I just couldn't control the tears.
The midwife who discharged me from hospital said I would probably cry for a few days and I just looked at my darling baby boy and thought why on earth would I cry when I have this lovely bundle - but it just cant be helped!!

It hit me with all 3 on day 3!
I was happy as larry lol until day 3! But if you keep thinking to yourself, its your hormones etc I found it helped! I cried a lot! Over nothing! Over simple things lol! Then I cried that i felt bad when I should be feeling great! lol Its not nice but the baby blues do go away!
Yep you find yourself crying over the silliest things. I took one look at Becky one evening shortly after I got home and burst into tears because I loved her, lol. Also cried because OH finally put her nappy on properly! :rotfl:
I kept bursting into tears over silly things around day 3 when my milk came in. I would start crying and find it hard to stop, despite not really knowing what i was crying about :lol:
We called my experience 'baby emotionalness' as I didn't feel sad as such but still cried. Like around day 3 I just started crying when I was stroking LO. I suddenly felt this amazing loving feeling and how I wanted to protect her from anything bad :cry:

I also cfried when remembering how amazing it was to first see her face.

I was also crying when my OH had to go on a business trip.

Mine lasted perhaps for 3 -5 days.
I had classic day 4 BB's,hit me like a tonne of bricks. That was a really bad day and its so difficult because people are visiting you and they are all so pleased and they can't understand why you're all messed up (especially the men!)!

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