baby blues during pregnancy


Nov 21, 2011
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does anyone experience the baby blues during pregnancy? Pudds86 put a post on the third trimester about the baby blues after brith (which i am also very grateful for) but some of these symptoms i am feeling now (trapped, anxious etc) Does anyone else get this?
I had it quite a lot during the beginning to be honest. I was doubting myself and felt like I wouldn't be a good parent, and that I now had no choice in how my life panned out etc (which I don't feel anymore of course).
I've had really big outbursts too to a point where I don't recognise myself, where I've been extremely angry, said things I don't mean, thrown things etc and my OH has suggested I ask for help as I may be suffering from antenatal depression (same as postnatal but during pregnancy). I haven't told anyone else about it because it's subsided now and I'm much more relaxed and happy about everything, but occasionally I get really depressed and negative about everything.

I think to a degree it's completely normal, but if you feel like you can't cope with these thoughts/feelings, then maybe research more into antenatal depression and ask for some help and advice off your midwife and/or doctor? :)

Chin up xxx
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I have suffered really badly throughout my pregnancy and Im now only really coming to terms with admitting it and this is only to my OH. I dont talk about it with other people as I do feel really quite ashamed about it.

My pregnancy was unplanned and although we had spoken about having a baby one day, we didnt expect it to come upon us so quickly. At the first stage of my pregnancy, I completely doubted whether I was doing the right thing and did actually book to go and have an abortion. I decided that deep down it wasn't what I really wanted and never turned up to the appointment. During my pregnancy I have said some of the most appalling things to my OH and how I feel about him and the baby but I actually dont mean any part of what I have ever said.

Since then I have had my highs and lows and the lows have made a constant appearance recently for some reason. Im just putting it down to the hormones.

I have for the past few weekends spent the entire time in bed crying my eyes out for no actual particular reason. I started to write down my feelings on my low days and Ive realised that there is a same recurring thought that I am lonely and have nowhere to go and I have ruined my life. This isnt actually the case at all but I think with all the added hormones and trying to deal with all the lifestyle changes, one simple tiny thought turns into a full blown catastrophe in my head and completely messes me up.

The way I am dealing with my baby blues at the minute is by constantly keeping busy. I realised that on the weekends I dont do as much as I do in the week day and this leads me to getting down so quickly as I have nothing to occupy my mind which leads me to start thinking completely irrationally. Therefore the plan is now to make sure that I have my weekend planned out ready before the end of the week.

Ill have to see how this weekend goes as its the first one but with how I feel normally with a busy week Im already quite hopeful that it will work :)
Yes I am, baby wasnt planned and I never wanted kids, I dont even particularly like them.
I have had to sell my horsebox to buy her what she needs, she has made my life hell so far, Ive had horrendous Morning sickness which cost me my full time job as they fired me and now Im having a rare allergic reaction to being pregnant which is torture, I scratch constantly til I bleed and there is nothing they can do, it wont go til baby has been born.

It feels like Im having to give up everything, ( Im not allowed to ride and with child care costs soo high I dont know if I will be able to go back to work and if I dont I will have to sell my home bred 18mth yearling colt who is very much loved and wanted and is meant to be my future competition horse and his companion as my fiance wont pay for them as he hates horses and he earns too much at his job for us to qualify for any benefits but not enough for me to have the horses or even a car for that matter, I cant even drive his car as I cant reach the pedals) where as he is giving up nothing, he still smokes despite having been told by the hospital its bad for baby, he works nights so sleeps all day so I wont even get a break from baby unless my father in law has her, on his 2 nights off a week, when he is asleep he sleeps for a minimum of 12hrs each night and you could explode a bomb by his ear and he wouldnt wake up!

He doesnt do any washing up despite creating it all ( Im only eating a bowl of cereal a day ) and moans at me when he hasnt got a clean uniform to wear because its still on the floor where he dumped it when he took it off 2 days before.

I also have a serious needle/ hospital/ stranger phobia and absolutely hate hospital and cant stand people touching me, he isnt supportive at all and even said that being pregnant is like lambing ( his family are farmers) you just fatten her up and then pull on the feet!!! WTF! I know he will be of no help at the hospital at all but flatly refuses to let my mum be there.

You can safely say Im not looking forwards to having this baby at all and my consultant says Im at high risk of having PND and will have problems bonding.

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