Just looking for some advice!
I just found out we are pregnant again (AF due on Wednesday I'm praying it doesn't come) but getting quite nice lines. Anyhoo, this is our third pregnancy.
First was mmc at 8+3, second gave us our gorgeous lo who is now 21months and if all goes well with this pregnancy he will be a big brother in October! And this pregnancy (currently 3+4).
When I was pregnant with my lb, the second pregnancy I was seen quickly and prescribed baby aspirin as I have lupus anticoagulant. I'm just wondering if anyone else has taken baby asprin since conception or if I should be ok til I see the doc. I can buy some but I'm frightened to mess things up and also petrified I miscarry again because I need to take asprin.
Any advice would be great! Xx
Ps. My test is today, 13dpo and three days to go til AF should have arrived (keep fingers and toes crossed she doesn't!!)
I just found out we are pregnant again (AF due on Wednesday I'm praying it doesn't come) but getting quite nice lines. Anyhoo, this is our third pregnancy.
First was mmc at 8+3, second gave us our gorgeous lo who is now 21months and if all goes well with this pregnancy he will be a big brother in October! And this pregnancy (currently 3+4).
When I was pregnant with my lb, the second pregnancy I was seen quickly and prescribed baby aspirin as I have lupus anticoagulant. I'm just wondering if anyone else has taken baby asprin since conception or if I should be ok til I see the doc. I can buy some but I'm frightened to mess things up and also petrified I miscarry again because I need to take asprin.
Any advice would be great! Xx
Ps. My test is today, 13dpo and three days to go til AF should have arrived (keep fingers and toes crossed she doesn't!!)