Babies growing to fast with the age :(


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2010
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I really cant believe our boy is 3 months already.
is anyone scared of there babys growing up i am i love him so much and wouldnt change him for the world but i worry alot about him as hes my only child and i would hate it if anything happens to him so the more time i love spending with him i then think it will only be 5 mins that he will be 1 year old an sometimes i wish he would stay a ickle baby forever lol is it me am i being a freak??!!
im now thinking i will be over protective but i wont be spoiling him unless can afford like lol.
i keep telling him to slow down with his growing up lol.
i miss him when hes with family over night hes gone away for 2 days i didnt mind the first day i could handle it but the 2nd today woah im missing him like crazy so everytime i get him bk from my mums he feels ten times heavier :( he growin to quickly hes suppose to be my ickle boy not big boy lol.
Im guna stop now otherwise ill end up in the funny farm lmao x
you're not the only one to feel like this hun. My little boy is 11 weeks old and I feel like he's grown up so much already. He's outgrown so much stuff and I have had to pack it all away already! It just feels so weird but at the same time I'm enjoying every minute. I've become a bit obsessed with taking his picture and I have literally hundreds of them - it's like I'm scared of missing anything!
Trust me they do grow up quick! I can't believe laceys 4!! Only seems like yesterday I had her! I got told when she was a baby to cherish her as they grow up quick and I was like whatever, but they really do!!

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