Babies belly button


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2005
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Just wondering what your babys belly button looks like!! lol i know it sounds strange but jamie is nearly 3 months old now and his belly button is still slightly gooey/mucky and rubs off onto his vest!
Ive showed the health visitor a few times and she said it looks fine , healed well and looks clean???? hmmm well it doesnt look clean to me!!
Its not leaking all that bad but i would have thought that after nearly 3 months it would have been totally clean and healed by now??
Ava's is completely healed and clean and has been since the stump fell off when she was 3 weeks old. Hmmmm.... :?

Can you get a second opinion because that doesn't sound right. I just googled it, does this sound like what's happening?

Umbilical Granuloma
What is an umbilical granuloma?

An umbilical granuloma is a piece of tissue that remains on your baby's belly button after the umbilical cord falls off. Rather than healing up and becoming covered with skin, a bright red stalk of tissue remains on the belly button. It has a grainy surface and produces sticky mucus. Without treatment, it could ooze and become an irritation for several months.
Hiya Steph

Erin is 5 weeks now and her belly button had been clean and goo free for a couple of weeks now so I agree with Amber I think you should get it checked.

Ashley x
Thanks for the replies girls,

Yes Amber that is exactly how it is thank you so much for that info!! i knew it shouldnt be gooey for so long.... :x grrrr silly health visitor!!!!! lol

Will defintely get it checked, jamie has his second lots of jabs on thursday so will ask the nurse about it.

Feel bad now for not getting it checked out earlier! :(

Thanx again guys
hi ya braydons was like that and like u i kept asking the health visitor and she kept saing the same thing so i decided to go to the doc on wed and apperently it is over granulating so he had to have some pen stuff on it to stop it
Thanx Sarah, how long do you apply the pen thing for?! lol
the doc did the first one asnd if it still aint better wed i got to do it gain
awwwww Steph sorry to hear about that

Hope it gets better soon xxx
Thanks guys, well i took Jamie to be weighed yesterday (13lb 5 and a half the piggy!!! lol) and showed the HV then...and yes you were right Amber it is a granuloma!! so need to see a doctor and she said sometimes they freeze them off!! :( :? but luckily she did say that it is nothing serious and that it doesnt look to bad and she has seen a lot worse, apartantly they can grow huge!!!!
Jamie got his injections tomorrow so im gona show the nurse then and hopefully she might say "oh ill just get the doc to have a look" :wink: if not then ill book an apointment for asap!!!!
Thanks again amber for pointing that out!!

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