Awful trouble getting to sleep


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2010
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This has been getting progressivly worse the past few days, I am fine once I am asleep and could sleep for britain but trying to get to sleep is a nightmare, last night I was lying awake, tossing and turning till 3am when I finaly gave up and went to watch some tv for an hour, then wnet to try and sleep and finaly fell asleep around 5am.
I then find myself staying in bed till the early afternoon and I feel so lazy.

Anyone else having this problem?
yes rachael i am constantly exhausted but can not sleep for anything! it is pretty frustrating; i suggest lavender pillow mist :) it works a treat for me x
I am the opposite! Twice this week I have forgotten to take my Pregnacare because I am out like a light... last night I was asleep by 830pm and slept all the way through & on Monday I was in bed by 9pm...
Totally zonked the whole time x
I Cant sleep due to back pain.....keeps me awake and Im sooooo exhausted I need to sleep. Its awful cos have to get up at 8am for boys to school no matter what time I eventually fall asleep. Bad news is.......if you think this is bad, just wait till 3rd tri.......nightmare!!!!
Hi Rachel

I am exactly the same, and I never normally have bother getting to sleep - it's my favourite hobby :) I sleep right through once I finally nod off but actually getting to sleep is tough. I have forced myself to get up really early this morning and have a plan of action for tonight. I'm going to have a radox sleep easy bath around 9pm and then go to my bed with a book so as not to have too much stimulus i.e. TV, facebook etc. Fingers crossed it will work because this is driving me nuts!

Kirsty x
Lavender is fine to use in pregnancy and i found it helped when i was in the early stages to keep me nice and relaxed. I never had any trouble sleeping early on, now its becoming a problem
I dont have trouble sleeping, just trouble staying awake .. infact the other day i was shattered! i went to bed as normal slept fine, got up the next morning to take brooke to school, and when i got back home i went back to bed and slept till 1hour before going to pick her up again!! felt soo much better for it! x
sorry for the late reply aha i havent got the hang of this properly yet aha
yeah i asked the doctor when i went for my sickness and she said that its fine and if it helps me rest then use it by all means x
Damn, I'm allergic to lavendar...makes me sick and that I dont need now..... Hope you start drifting off to sleep better.

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