Avent new baby starter box


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2007
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Basically, it's got bottles (two small, two large I think). A manual breast pump, electric steriliser, two dummies, two tippy cups (I have no idea what they're called).

It's exclusive to Babies R Us, was £60 but is currently £50. I know I want to breastfeed, but want to express and have DH feed her sometimes, so I wanted something like this until I could fine-tune what I want/need.

I was really impressed with the amount of stuff for £50, so thought I'd share.
i have this and breast feed, it's wonderful, i use the breast pump and steriliser and the bottles are great storage for milk, i've even found the soothers come in handy when she's screaming for milk in the car.

i do use different bottles whyen feeding as they're designed to prevent confusion swapping from boob to bottls but i think the pack was well worth it, and i got money off mine too :cheer:
Sounds good :) A few things to consider if planning to breastfeed

its recommended to exclusivly breastfeed till at least 6 weeks to help establish your supply, ensure they latch well and also to prevent nipple confusion. Its sodding hard work but very worth it if you can make it through those weeks. I had my hubby help in every other way, nappy changes, winding, settling back to sleep etc.

Also nipple shaped teats and dummies are often better for breast fed babies as it helps avoid nipple confusion. Some manage fine with different shaped teats but others don't. Also check the flow speed from the teats. If breastfeeding its good to use the teats where baby will still have to work harder to suck the milk out like he would on your boob. If its too easy (and many bottles are) then baby can/will get lazy and not be so keen to have to work harder on your boobs and could start preferring a bottle.

Check and see if the ones in the kit are flat or nipple shaped. You may want to investigate the nipple shaped ones if they are flat or some other shape.
Thanks Sherlock, I had read about the not using bottles to soon thing if breastfeeding. I just wanted to have some in the house just in case, and bought early as SMP won't stretch far in a few months time.

You make a good point about the teats too, I'll give that some more thought when the time comes. I just thought £50 was a bargain if only for the steriliser and pump.

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