Avent breastfeeding pack,


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2006
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http://www.toysrus.co.uk/Product.aspx/b ... ent/139904

* Avent Express Electric Steam Steriliser
* Avent ISIS Manual Breast Pump
* 1 x 4oz/125ml Avent Airflex Bottle with newborn teat
* 2 x 9oz/260ml Avent Airflex Bottle with slow flow teat
* 2 x breastmilk storage containers
* 2 x Avent newborn Airflex teats
* 2 x teat travel pack
* 1 x 7oz/200ml Magic Trainer Cup
* 1 x measuring cup
* 1 x Newborn soother
* 2 x breast pads
* 1 x tongs

Bought this yesterday was just wondering if anyone has one or used one and what they thought about it, also any tips on expressing would be hugely appreciated, :D

Sorry nobody seems to have replied to this yet.

I used the Avent breast pump and found it easy to use etc. I found the best time to express was first thing in the morning when I had lots of milk.

Thanks for the tip LB, will try that as i REALLY want to give BFing a good go this time as i was too poorly to do it with DD :(
That looks really good FeeFee. I used the Menula (sp) breast pump so I don't have any experience with the Avent one. But it will probably do a great job, I personally couldn't have managed without my pump, it really helped. The best time to pump for me was the morning, but they say that during the night is when your hormone is at it's highest.
I have that steriliser, it's great, but I only used it a couple of times as M wouldn't use any bottles or dummies so we had nothing to sterilise :lol:

Good luck this time around and make sure you come here for lots of support :hug: :hug:
Thanks Sarah fingers crossed that everything will work out ok this time,
That whole package with a few extra bits was £50 so as far as i am concerned its a bargain lol :rotfl:
Gosh that's a great bargain, you did really well there :D
I got the next one up the £150 one from mothercare and I have found it excellent. The avent bottles etc are really good as many different teats will fit if yout LO doesn't like them. The stereliser is good - its easy to use and doesn't take long. Plus the little extras that you get like the sippy cups mean you don't have to run around and look for them when you feel you need to try one out!

I also used this breast pump and found it the best so far.... Its comfortable to use and you control the suction so you know where you are. ( the bottles fit directly onto it or you can get the storage pots with an adapter. Those pots are also great to use when weaning!0

If this cost £50 bargain! I know the stereliser can go for £20+
Yep was £49.99 in BabiesRus on there special offer thingy, thats why i got it, i did a rough total up in the feeding department and the steriliser alone was 29.99 and the bottles were 8.99 for 2 and i got 4 in the pack, the pump was 24.99 i think so all in all even when you don't count the 2 sippy cups and storage bottles not to mention the new born dummys it really is worth it
I had a few vouchers with £5's off plus a few other £1's here and there so all in all i was dead chuffed :cheer:

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