***August 2016 Mummies***

Look how many of us there are already! this is so exciting isnt it! I am unsure when my first scan will be, probably late jan but I think the midwife will book it on weds.

Man I have sore boobs! Waves of nausea but only when I am hungry. I was waking up with it but I haven't now for 2 days and it comes later in the day!

Adam and I went to town today and had a sneaky trip to mothercare and already decided on a travel system :laugh: so that was easy!! talk about premature lol!

How is everyone? xxxx
Well ladies, looks like mc is on the cards :'( hcg levels were 246 on Fri and only 304 today. Nowhere near double. Got to go back on Tues for another blood test but it all feels a bit pointless now. Haven't found any success stories where the increase was that low.

Strangely enough the spotting has stopped now. I just hope the mc happens sooner rather than giving me false hope. Feeling very down :-(
Well ladies, looks like mc is on the cards :'( hcg levels were 246 on Fri and only 304 today. Nowhere near double. Got to go back on Tues for another blood test but it all feels a bit pointless now. Haven't found any success stories where the increase was that low.

Strangely enough the spotting has stopped now. I just hope the mc happens sooner rather than giving me false hope. Feeling very down :-(

Nooo ivyjanelily! There's still hope yet, I hope so much that isn't happening to you. Here for you if you need to chat love xxx
Don't lose hope ivyjanelily try to keep positive as you can xx
Big hugs ivy xxx

I've been getting waves of nausea which only gets better when I eat.....I'm going to be a whale by the end! Plus boobs are sore and feel heavy. I didn't find out with my first until I was 18 weeks so this one is going to drag I bet! Xx
Thanks for your kind words ladies :) only my husband and best friend know at the moment and it's hard trying to pretend everything is ok to everyone else, especially at work.

Plus, I have a promotion interview today...just what I need, not!
Good luck with your interview ivyjanelily and fingers crossed for positive news with your bloods tomorrow x
Hello all!

I'm 5 weeks today, due on the 9th August. Been trying for 5 months. It's my first, so haven't got a clue what is happening to my body at the mo! Cramps, aches and mega sore boobs for the last 4 days, and only nausea to look forward to? Yay! I'd also put down tiredness as a symptom, except I know that just me not sleeping properly since I found out as its all too exciting!! xx

Ps- after reading up on the thread so far, just wanted to add my best wishes to everyone else's for ivyjanelily. Keeping my fingers crossed for you xx
Rachow hi due date buddy!
I too am feeling extreme tiredness. I'm not sure whether it's the pregnancy or the giving up caffeine!
Congrats Rachow! I'm with you on the sore boobs and cramps! Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy :)
Are cramps normal? I've woke up today with them. Not sure if it's baby related or needing to go to the loo! :rofl:
How are you ivyjanelily????

Hey and welcome Rachow!! Yes all are normal I believe, I had the whole list of em with my first! I had cramps yesterday and a tonne of discharge which I think is normal too... no blood or anything so im guessing all is okay!

Got my midwife appointment tomorrow at 1 which I am sort of looking forward to as well! Dont really know what theyre all about this early on! xx
Congrats Rachow! I'm also due on the 9th, snap with boobs and cramps and I'm knackered but can't sleep! Xx
So sorry it wasn't good news ivyjanelily - sending lots of hugs xxx
Thank you ladies :) I'll bow out gracefully and let you all enjoy your first trimester now, but hopefully I'll be back soon!

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