attention all pregnant ladies! Looking for some help!

I had them all other than the light period, the cramps I had were really bad which really worried me but everything is fine! I'm sure you will be to :)
Hello!! Ok so here goes:

having that 'empty stomach/hungry/tired' sick feeling like when you wake up in the middle of the night (if you get me) = YES I feel like it mostly before bed and sometimes in the morning. But that one is a definite yes!

stomach cramps = From about week 4 to week 11 I was getting period pain type cramps. Had my scan the other day and everything is fine so its nothing to worry about unless you bleed as well

increase in clear discharge/mucus = YES. Disgusting lol. When I was about 5-6 weeks I felt like my vagina had expanded and I was leaking everywhere. Nasty!!! It went away though, for now!!

bloated = Yes. Every time I eat I seem to get massively bloated. Plus I've been "showing" since about 10 weeks!

VERY light period (pink/brown discharge) = No I haven't had this one.

diarreah (yuck!) = Believe it or not, between weeks 8 and 10 I had diarrhea constantly for 2 weeks. I was having it sometimes 4 or 5 times a day, and it seemed like the food I was eating was just coming straight back out! I went to the doctors and they thought I might have food poisoning so they got me to send a stool sample in, it came back as NORMAL!!!! I was like... well.... I don't think diarrhea for 2 weeks is normal! So it must have been a pregnancy symptom instead of having sickness. It was awful. I must say though I prefered that to the constipation that I have now lol!!!!!
thanks everyone i'm testing with clearblue tomorrow so fingers crossed!! x
ohh fingers crossed please post as soon as you know! :):) xx
so nervous, to top it all off i feel sick as a dog tonight :( dnno whether to be happy about that if it's pregnancy or annoyed if it's not! xx

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