At my wits end today!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2006
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My OH is on lates and went to work at 12.00. I swear Alex waited till the car pulled off the drive to start screaming! I have tried everything to settle him. Then just when i thought I had cracked it about 4.00 his colic started. The only time he stopped crying was when I bathed him at 7.00. I had to resort to walking him around the estate in his pram (still cant drive cause of the C section) at 8.00 tonight, just to get him to sleep.
I have just sat down after catching up on the jobs I was trying to do all afternoon, like the washing and stuff, and have just eaten a massive bar of galaxy choc.
This is the first day the crying has REALLY got to me. I have got really frustrated. I have always been very patient with the colic, Its just been hard being on my own.
OH is definatly taking over tonight I am shattered, and feeling very fed up!!
aww hun im sorry u have had a tough day :hug: :hug: :hug: but im sorry to tell u that it doesnt get any better..u get ove the colic then u get teething then the bloody screaming fits with tantrums......babies dont tu just love them :wink:

hope u have a better day 2 mrw hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
awww sorry you've had a rough time of it..i can sympathise as i have it quite tough with my two little angels. :hug:

my daughter ebony is 12 months, she started off crying every hour for feeding as a newborn (she was prem) then as she got older she went a bit longer but got into the habit of waking up lots in the night until she was about 8 months, then she stopped doin that and slept through the night but now she wakes again twice a night and spends all day screaming as shes so tired from the night before. :wall:
she crawls and walks holding on furniture but shes a very bossy little madam still!!!

hopefully your little one will grow out of it as the colic eases off and in the meantime try relaxation things like warm baths and listening to calm soothing music once your LO is in bed and relaxing oils and scents.
as long as your little man is in a safe place like his cot its ok to take a few minutes to calm down before going back in to him - it can make all the difference to your mindset.
i am always on my own with my 2 LO's when they kick off they never do it when their daddy is around and they usually do it together to make matters worse. :x
(my little boy is hemiplegic so he can be a bit of a handful and he's not light either - hes 3 and a half and i have no idea how heavy he is lol)

if you want to talk to anyone im always around with a suggestion or two! :)

good luck hun! :hug:

Paris has severe colic and nothing really soothed her other than cuddles and walking her round, poor little mite it really hurts them :(
aww its hard isnt it, i wud rather harriet screamed during the day, last night she was at it from 2am until 6am then i got hour sleep before my 2 year old is up :wall:

got the espresso machine going non stop today :rotfl:

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