Asthma been playing up!`


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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Im in a right moody today, im worried im going to toxicate my baby with the inhalers I had to take last night but I don't know what to do!

My breathing was really rubbish yesterday I haven't been taking the seretide inhaler just the blue one but last night I just didnt have a choice.

And now this morning my chest feels horrible and OH is not helping or being very supprtive i feel really fed up!

:wall: :wall: :wall:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: I hope you're feeling better soon. Why not have a chat with your gp to put your mind at rest. I'm sure the inhalers wouldn't affect petal.
I've been finding I'm getting out of breath recently when I wouldn't normally so maybe it's linked to being in first tri. I suffered from asthma as a child but it hasn't bothered me since I was a teenager
I dont think you need to worry about taking ihalers - just think of it as your baby getting more oxygen rich blood. You should have a chat with your Gp to put your mind at ease :hug:
Hi Sharne,

My asthma was really bad when I first found out I was pregnant and since then I have started using my preventative (Seratide)and feel much better. The doctor said it was much better to try and get it under control as much as poss in the earlier stages. I never have to take my blue one now. Hope this helps.
I also have asthma and my GP has reassured me that my inhalers are perfectly safe during pregnancy and also said that it is very common for asthma to get worse during pregnancy. I use my brown preventer inhaler every night and almost never have to take the blue one (which is much better for you than having to take the blue one all the time). Also if you take the brown one through a spacer (like chn use) you breath in all of the steroid and therefore none of it gets into your bloodstream so it won't affect the baby. Hope that puts your mind at rest.
Thanks girls that does make me feel a little bit better I guess im still a wee bit paranoid about affecting my Petal, i know it sounds ott but i want their little organs to form and i dont want to interupt that you know?

Thanks again that really helps!
It's not OTT! You're just being a good mum wanting to protect your child :D

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