Assurance/advice needed...


Apr 12, 2010
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Hi all,

My wife and I found out at the weekend that she is pregnant. We haven't necessarily been trying to start a family as such (this'll be our first); we just made the decision for her to come off the pill a couple of months ago for when we do. We really didn't expect her to fall pregnant so quick.

My concern is regarding folic acid; or rather the lack of it. We've been trying to work out the due date which has been a little difficult as she has been quite irregular with her periods since coming off the pill. We estimate that her last period started around the 5th March, with her conceiving around the 13th March. For the last two weeks we have been renovating our house so have not really taken any notice of our diet (McDonalds anyone?) and I won't even mention the heavy lifting I've had her doing! We have worked the due date out to be the 10th December, and that she is 5 weeks pregnant.

Before these two weeks she has been taking multivitamins every now and then, and also eating cornflakes for breakfast which does contain a reasonable amount of folic acid (again, not every morning). She doesn't drink or smoke and does eat quite well. As soon as we found out she was pregnant she started taking Pregnacare.

Are we too late for it to have any impact? What are the stats for increased risks of spina bifida, etc? We're going to the GP on Wednesday so I know she'll say "don't worry", I would just like some advice now (not that we can do anything about it now).

Many thanks,
As long as she's taking it now it should be fine! My diets been very bad recently as I've had bad sickness and mcdonnalds is actually one thing that stays down! She'll have plenty of time to catch up on healthy food! I'm sure the docs will put her mind at rest too. Good luck with everything :)
Congratulations!! That is a very difficult question though. It is difficult to know how much folic acid your wife had been getting in her diet in the first place, it could easily have been sufficient. I don't know about statistics but as long has she has started now she is so early on that there is still a lot of nueral development that will benefit from the additional folic acid now. Remember all the millions of women who don't know they are pregnant til much later or choose to continue to drink etc nevermind taking folic acid, and go on to have healthy babies.
She'll be getting off with some of the renovation work now ;)
yes agree with everything the other ladies have said your both s early on in the pregnancy that any folic acid taking now will be beneficial and dont get caught up on the lfiting ad not taking it because you were not to know so ows the time for both of you to look after yourself

heres to a healthy 9 months for all of you xx
Thanks for the quick responses. They were most helpful and comforting. I suppose we all learn from our experiences(/mistakes).

I know that people will be in a worse position than us. I think I'm actually making the whole process more daunting for her than it needs to be...I probably need to back off a little.

She may be able to ease up with the renovation but there's still plenty of painting to be done!

All this talk of McDonalds is making hungry. Time for a Big Mac I reckon....

Many thanks once again,
Ohh McDonalds, that is just cruel putting that thought in my head!!! Shame on you!! :)
Snap with me!!
I'd been living off McDonalds and KFC, taking a multivitamin every third day or so, and have only just started taking pregnacare the last week. Like you say, I asked doc and she said not to worry :)
The missus thinks the baby is going to be addicted to McDonalds when it's born. As far as I am aware there were no McDonalds available to my folks when I was conceived so I can't explain why I'm addicted. Maybe it's their new Quarter Pounder Deluxe.

Am I the only bloke to have posted a comment on these forums? I feel like I've walked into the wrong toilet...


Thanks for everyone's comforting words. I feel a lot calmer about it all now.

No there are a couple of guys - bwakeling has a really good blg he writes every week about his wife's pregnancy.
:rotfl: There are a few other blokes around here, more recently. It's definately nice to have a male perspective that isn't our OH's!!
Hello, with my second daughter I didn't know I was pregnant for at least 10 weeks, I was still having periods. I never took folic acid until I found out at the doctor's.

I was also moving house, painting, lifting boxes etc. My little girl came out just fine :)

Hope this reassures you, congrats by the way!
Thanks Chrissie! The more positive comments the better! I almost feel relaxed about it all now....this child birth malarky is a breeze :whistle:
Haha, you won't be saying that in 7 months time...
Nope, I'll more than likely be a blubbering wreck or passed out on the floor...what a man.

Mum-to-be is feeling so tired right now. She was asleep by 8:30pm. She's been fine until today but now we know she's pregnant she's really tired, dizzy and achey! She felt sick this morning so ginger nuts are now aplenty and on standby.

What's the deal with painkillers for headaches. She's had one all afternoon (I think due to lack of fluid to be honest) and has just put up with it. Paracetamol as a last resort isn't it?
yep that about the only yes pain killer - welcome to the world of sickness and hormones - if your OH is anything like me when pregnant you might want to take cover for the next few months at least! About the folic acid think of all the ladies who don't plan pregnancies and don't take it til they find out! I'm sure she will be fine just make sure you give in to her every whim and keep her away from the painting!
It's been 72 hours and I have given in to her every whim without so much as a grumble. The missus, on the other hand, is starting to have a little grumble. Does anybody know where I can buy a teflon t-shirt so it doesn't stick?

She's not allowed to do the painting? Oh dear, that's the only thing I'm not good at...
:rotfl: Teflon T-Shirt! My OH has just asked if he can be signed off with paternity related illness- sore ears, sore feet, stresss hehe

Hmm, yeah painting isn't good for the fumes, especially with all the development going on in the first trimester!
Mum-to-be is feeling so tired right now. She was asleep by 8:30pm. She's been fine until today but now we know she's pregnant she's really tired, dizzy and achey! She felt sick this morning so ginger nuts are now aplenty and on standby.

Cor, wish my OH was so understanding, he's lovely bless him but he's in bed right now cos he's 'oohh sooo tired' so I'm up making breakfast cos if I don't eat I'll puke...
I think he thinks we don't get any symptoms until we have a bump :)
Ginger nuts and toast didn't help this morning. Sickness really started kicking in. The missus wasn't too good either...must have been the wine I drank last night.

I've actually found myself doing voice-overs in a Big Brother style when she wakes up in the morning...."Day four in the hormonal house and the mum-to-be looks a little pale".

She actually asked if she could start her maternity leave this morning. 6 weeks in. I had to tell her that she probably wouldn't qualify for maternity pay and that our savings probably won't cover her being off work for 20 months. Apparently it's all my fault...
Of course it's all your fault, you are a fast learner!! ;)
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