Aspirin in pregnancy


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2010
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Have found some interesting reading on this. Seems more than a few women who have trouble carrying to full term are being advised that low dose (75mg) aspirin taken daily can be beneficial?

Lots of conflicting evidence out there.. but I'm inclined to go with the Mums who have actually found it a positive thing and believe it helped them carry to full term. Also, I haven't found anything from an actual person (rather than a medical report or study) saying that they believed it had done them more harm than good.

What do people think? Has anyone been advised to take it?
hello - not too sure about this one really, i have never taken medicine uneccessarily. I was under the understanding that aspirin is used to help pain, and therefore shouldnt really be taken just for the hell of it. I havent even had paracetamol! i just have gaviscon and my inhalers lol, sorry if ive totally missed the point, i thought they say paracetamol is the only thing you can take and anything else should be under doctor guidelines. x
Generally I think that is the case :)
It just interested me that it seems many women (mainly in the US I think) that have a history of mc are being advised to take this by their GPs, as are women who are being treated through fertility clinics.
Unnecessary medication is never a good idea, I definitely agree on that... but it almost seems commonplace in the US and lots of women are swearing by it.
I definitely wouldn't advise everyone to start popping pills though!
It just caught my attention as, like everyone else, I was under the impression that pretty much all NSAID type painkilling drugs are a bad idea in pg (although the dose they suggest is more blood thinning than painkilling I believe) but perhaps this isn't always the case with aspirin.

Anyway enough of reading medical papers and statistics reports lol.. am off to watch daytime telly instead.. give my brain a rest! xxx
Yes I have to say I don't think I'd risk taking it unless the doctor gave me the okay first. The only thing the doctor said was safe to take was paracetamol and I've been reluctant to take that really! x
asprin is prescribed where recurrent miscarriges are a result of a blood clotting problem which can be a common reason for recurrent mc's.

Unless prescribed you should not take asprin as it thins the blood and can cause miscarrige in women with no clotting problems.
Of course, you shouldn't take anything other than prescribed medication while pg, I wasn't suggesting that for a second :roll:

It was intended just as a general info post rather than a recommendation of any kind.

More than a few of us have had more than one mc, so figured maybe some others would find it interesting reading. Most doctors won't investigate causes of mc until you have three in a row, so for those of us who have had one or two mcs then it might be worth asking for a professional opinion or doing some more research? Also, I've read more than a few case studies about the use of aspirin to help prevent mc, without definite diagnosis of clotting problems.
As far as I can see (from extensive reading) the general professional and public opinions are that the possible benefits of such a low dose of aspirin outweigh any other possible risks, but again, I'm still not advocating random pill popping when preggers.

This thread was what originally caught my attention.

Also, there's no evidence to suggest that aspirin in the doses stated causes miscarriage. It's not enough to even make a dent on a headache.

Read up and make enquiries if it's something that you may find beneficial... or not. Up to the individual obviously. It's clearly not a widely known about practice.. but that's not to say it doesn't work for some people.
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sorry if my post was a bit abrubt, I was sneakily checking on PF while conducting interviews and pressed post reply before I was ready. Now I have time to study this thread properly I realised I replied uneccessarily as you had not suggested anything dodgy. Sorry x
At my appointment yesterday, my doctor gave me a list of medicines that are OK, and those I should avoid....Aspirin was on the list of things to avoid.

As mentioned above, there would be circumstances where taking the aspirin could be beneficial, but I would definitely check with your doctor first.
Hi, I am new to this site and I would just like to comment on this post if I can.

I am 8 weeks pregnant and have been prescribed 75mg aspirin to take on a daily basis. This has been prescribed by my Consultant Obstetrician.

I am more than happy to take this as I did in my previous pregnancy where I carried to full term and had my daughter. This was after two previous miscarriages (without taking the aspirin).

I cannot be 100% sure that it was the aspirin that made all the difference, but it did no harm.
After I had 2 MC's someone at the hospital suggested I would take a baby aspirin a day once I got pregnant the next time. As apparently in some cases it can help. I spoke to my GP about it and he said he didn't think it would make any differnce, but in his oppinion it was such a low dose that it wouldn't do any harm.

So I took it for the first 20 weeks of my pregnancy and had a healthy baby boy. BUT this time I haven't taken it and so far the pregnancy has been going fine anyway. So not sure if the aspirin acctually made any difference, except made me feel a little bit better as I believed it would help.
Hi, I am new to this site and I would just like to comment on this post if I can.

I am 8 weeks pregnant and have been prescribed 75mg aspirin to take on a daily basis. This has been prescribed by my Consultant Obstetrician.

I am more than happy to take this as I did in my previous pregnancy where I carried to full term and had my daughter. This was after two previous miscarriages (without taking the aspirin).

I cannot be 100% sure that it was the aspirin that made all the difference, but it did no harm.

this is what i have been told in the past. my wife had 2 mc over the last 2 years and this was the next thing to try from what the doc said.
luckily she seems to be going the whole hog this time. currently 14 weeks and we are over the moon. if worst happens then we have been told to try asprin though out trying to concieve and pregnacy. took forver to get pregnant and they dont no why, they suspect its a clotting problem.
but hopefully we wont have to try it. :)
I have recently got pregnant again after 2 Mmc's (within the last year.) I also have a 4 year old. During my pregnancy with her I was prescribed low dose aspirin as they were concerned about my blood. During the 2 pregnancies where I miscarried I did not get prescribed Aspirin. This time, as soon as I found put I was pregnant I went back to my doc and asked them to prescribe me aspirin. Again, my doc could see no reason for it, but knows what hell I have been through because of the Mmc's. He prescribed to me, and as yet, I seem to be ok. We had an early scan 2 days ago and saw a tiny heartbeat. I'm not getting too carried away with it, but at the moment I am trying to see this as a positive thing.
I hope that this helps your decision? Xxx

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