

Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2011
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So annoyed! Love feeling baby move around and been getting lots of big kicks recently that I can feel with my hand from the outside as well. As soon as I get excited and tell OH to feel, baby either moves away or stops kicking altogether!

Then a few minutes ago OH had his hand right over baby and I felt a really big kick right under his hand and he didn't feel it!!! Felt like the foot could have come through my skin it was that strong! Then he gets impatient and goes away... your not gonna feel the baby kick if you put your hand there for 20 seconds and get bored!!

Just wish he would show a bit more interest! Come on baby kick Daddy so he doesn't annoy me!! lol
MY DH is the same - I said to him you just have to be patient! Thankfully he has caught a few kicks now, but it is frustrating when they don't show the same interest as you isn't it? I'm sure he'll get to feel a kick soon... xxx
aw that must be tough, can't wait to DH to feel it, but got a few weeks to wait yet!
It's so frustrating! I think I've got a shy baby.. even sometimes when I put my hand on my belly it moves away :(
aw bless! I'm sure it will come though and get stronger too, and it will have less room to move about so quick soon. I'm only really getting flutters at the moment so no chance of DH catching them, I have to be sitting quietly to feel them myself!
This happens to me all the time. Hubby has only felt a few kicks, even when I put my hand on top of his and feel it he says 'nope I didn't feel it'!!!! WHAT!!!!! I have been getting battered all night since coming in from a long walk, belly moving and OH couldn't see it. I just think men don't really know what they're waiting for when having a feel x
This happens to me all the time. Hubby has only felt a few kicks, even when I put my hand on top of his and feel it he says 'nope I didn't feel it'!!!! WHAT!!!!! I have been getting battered all night since coming in from a long walk, belly moving and OH couldn't see it. I just think men don't really know what they're waiting for when having a feel x

So glad I'm not the only one!! Because I defo felt the kick when he said he didn't! So frustrating
Mine was like that at first too! He would put his hand there and not leave it for long enough. Eventually we spoke and he said he felt like it was him putting the baby off. I convinced him early that he needs to put firm pressure andleave his hand there and he feels them all the time now! He even sometimes feels squirming movements that I can't 100% feel very well :)
Just be firm with your OH and make him do it lol
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Mine is the exact same, gets bored of waiting. She'll never kick him at this rate. So instead when I get into bed and he's settled I get the Doppler out. He can't get out of hearing that so quickly! Lol xx
I had this too hun!!! I would say to hubby to come and feel my tummy when I felt bubsy kicking and he'd lean over the sofa for maybe 20 seconds and not feel anything! Then he'd have his hand right over when bubsy kicked (what felt like really hard) and said he couldn't feel it then either.
I had to explain that it felt like someone tapping from the inside and not the full on boot he was expecting - what he thought was just my insides rumbling was in fact baby moving - he just needed to be told that he was in fact feeling it!!!
OH still hasnt felt Pip kick. AJ has, the shock on his face :shock:
It'll happen in time, Pip wriggles and kicks all of the time but she doesnt often kick hard enough for others to feel. x
Mines exactly the same .. Unless I'm
Psychic and can time a kick down to a 5 second window he gets bored!

He really isn't interested, I've tried talking to him about it, but it's just not the same for him.


Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!
Thanks girls

Glad its not just my OH being impatient!!
I made him put pressure just above where baby was last night, which was up really high, and he felt baby squirm away!! Yay! Not a kick but he felt there was something there. Needless to say he went eww and moved away! Lovely huh? I was like what do you think it feels like to me if you only felt with your hand!

Then when we went to sleep baby started kicking where his arm was, only little kicks so I know he didn't feel it but I told him and he poked back (very gently) so hopefully he will start to come round to it. Baby always seems to kick at OHs arm when he has it near, as if to say stop squishing me! Makes me giggle :)
Hi again hon - just thought I'd mention that I read somewhere that babies start off by moving away from touch but as they progress through the pregnancy they actually move towards it, so this is normal... :) xx
I've started gently prodding baby back and now if baby is in the mood he/she will prod back! Nice little game for me to play :) baby also moves away if oh has a feel, I'm sure baby knows its him as his hands are always warm and mine are cold! Lol

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