Arkward questions .


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2010
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So Lily is almost two weeks old now , I didnt tear or need stitches but I have a graze and am still a little sore . I have a few questions though , with my last baby I had bleeding for almost eight weeks afterwards , this time I seem to have stopped already ? Is this normal , I am still wearing pads to be safe as there is still some occasionaly .
Also will I still need to wait the full six weeks before I can start exercising properly and having sex? Would I need to wait the full six weeks before starting a diet programme like weight watchers ? Am I mad for considering it already :roll: Thanks gorls x
I had sex as soon as I stopped bleeding which was around 3 weeks. Do what your comfy doing.
I think you can't do hard exercise for the first 6 weeks but I carried on doing lots of walking.
I can't help you with the rest of the questions x x
walking loads and honestly feeling pretty good so far :) thanks hunx
Think its just best to do what your body feels able to do, and feel good for it the next day! take a day at a time incase your sleep deprived and knackered one day, tiredness and soreness can sneek up on you.

I had sex at 3 weeks (had sections) and it hurt tbh, but better a few weeks later
Sorry don't know about weight watchers, guess if your breastfeeding best lose in a healthy way as I eat what I want /balanced diet as I want to make sure Devon gets enougth
If you were exercising during pregnancy you can exercise again, you kind of work in the reverse order so what you did in tri 3 is ok now. Don't do ab exercises yet though as they need a few weeks to knit back together properly, it can take nearer 12 weeks for them to be ready depending how far they separated during pregnancy. You need keep your heart rate low and don't do any extreme forms of exercising, your heart rate, blood pressure and blood volume take a while to go back to normal that's why they say 6 weeks, so just treat yourself as if your in tri 3 until the 6 week point! Depending on if your breast feeding will depend on dieting, I would think you can eat healthy, prob good for baby long as you take enough calories in and drink plenty.

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