

Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2009
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Had to go out today, tonnes to do, kids orthodontal appointments in between so took a break at a shopping centre but would Lil miss madam go in her buggy :wall: NO!

'want to walk mummy' :wall2:

In the end I gave in but of course within half an hour I was regretting it :roll:

It's like the buggy was my crutch and some Effer has just kicked it from beneath me :rofl:

With you on that! H didn't want to go in the buggy on Monday to the aprk so I left it behind. Ended up carrying him for nearly an hour, pregnant, feeling awful and with a work friend who doesn't know I'm pregnant. Could have screamed!!! xxx
Yep I am there to, Dec totally refuses to use the buggy anymore :( I actually lost him in a shopping centre today, my heart was in my mouth and I was sweating like a, I dont know what sweats really bad ??? He was sitting in a ride looking at me asking for money, little bugger.
Mums sweat alot Sabrina :rofl:Karen, my lil miss won't let me carry her either :wall2: Honestly yesterday by the time I got home I was knackered, Joe running in one direction and Katie running another :eh:
Sam's the same now...he doesn't even want to get in the car most of the time because he wants to walk to wherever we're going :lol:
Yep I hate it, people might see what I look like from the waist down :oooo: :rofl:
Its a pain when I don't use the buggy with Caitlin - She gets to the shop fine but on the way back the feet start dragging and yep now Mummy has a 2 year old and the bags! Safe to say I avoid taking her now :lol:
At least you don't have to worry about this anymore mamafy :lol:
Im getting the tantrums when I try to get Rosie in the buggy - yes ME! :lol:
Because Leoni is three and a half she is good at walking but we haven't used the buggy to go anywhere for about 8 months. She can walk far but she does get tired so i have to carry her for a little bit. I find it so much easier when she are going out for the day than having to fold/unfold the buggy everytime we want to go somewhere and it seems to be easier to walk with her than push a buggy up a hill.

I think it seems easier to strap them into a buggy to keep them out of mischief. Wish i could do it with my OH lol
Think I'm going to abondon it and get her a harness :love:

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