Arghh slap me silly!


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2007
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Grrr I'm doing my own head in :wall: :wall: :wall:

All I can think of is getting married to OH, I'm sat here daydreaming about it. I've been looking at beautiful venues on the net today - big problem is.. he hasn't even proposed yet :roll:

We have discussed marriage and think we're both in agreement that we hope to do it in the not so distant future. So I've even been thinking about the proposal, we're going on a cruise in August, we have a balcony and you can have a romantic meal on there if you wish, so I'm thinking candles, rose, sunset watching the waves and he proposes ahhhhhh how nice would that be. :wall: :wall: STOP ME PLEASE!!! :rotfl: Of course my OH isn't the slightest bit romantic so he would never think of doing that and obviously I can't tell him what I want cos thats not the way a proposal works is it :lol:

so I am stuck in my dream world.. off I go again :sleep:
Aww Bless ya :D

You never know your OH might surprise you!
aww bless my Oh and I just kind of agreed to get married and he brought ring months after when I was there, not the stuff of romantic dreams but we're getting married in March and I couldnt be happier doesn't mater how we got here!

Your OH could suprise you, maybe a few hints would help or if you really want to get married and dont think he'll ask isn't it a leap year? Women can propose on valentines day of a leap year (obviously can propose any time if thats what you want to do is just an old wives tale or whatever) so you could take the intiative and pop the question yourself?
:shock: noooo i couldn't do that :lol: he has to ask me, not that there is anything wrong with a woman popping the question but I couldn't though. Congrats on the soon to be wedding btw :hug:
leave hints around the place closer to the time, subtle ones or if your watching a film and a certain proposal or romantic scenario tickles your pickle say something along the lines of oh how beautiful that would be very hard to say no to.

if you want it that bad cheesecake you have to put the signs there! NO MAN is truly romantic without a little help from a woman!

oh and SLAP! get a grip haha :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
:rotfl: thanks for the slap.

I've been kinda hinting, saying 'oooh this cruise is such a romantic setting isn't it' 'won't it be amazing' blah blah blah i think it just goes over his head :roll: At least I have 7 months to work on it :lol:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

And I thought I was bad before I got married!

Hes probably got it all worked out and will propose soone then you think hun.
I'm the same chick, been thinking it since our 1 year anniversary last June, but I didn't even get a card..

In my head I'm like ooh Christmas and when he says he has great ideas of what to get but can't afford it yet I get my hopes up... and now it's a night away we're having in Feb, Valentines Day, my birthday in May, our 2 year anniversary...

And I have all the money so unless he can save up his own money (and I know for a fact he has less than £50 spare a month, as I work the finances!) then I've no chance.

My OH wants us to have a house first before even considering getting married, so it's extremely unlikely he'd propose to me. I'm not that fussed either, I'm happy to be an unmarried couple and I'm not one to plan a big expensive day, but for some reason it's got stuck in my head that we should be getting married. :wall:

(I have proposed in the past by the way - to an ex of course - and it was scary!! I'd do it again if I was with someone else, but not in this relationship with Nat, it doesn't feel right thing to do with Nat but if I was with a different guy then it might not feel out of place.)
I'm the opposite, my OH keeps bringing it up and I leave the room :rotfl:
I know how you feel. Even though we had discussed it and agreed we would get married at some point I wanted some romantic gesture - even though I KNEW that was never gonna happen.

In the end we were in Turkey last year looking in the window at the jewellery and he said, "go on then, pick yourself a ring"

However, a diamond ring is a diamond ring :D And that is about as overtly romantic as OH gets.

Although he does do really sweet things that I find more romantic. Like making my lunch in the morning coz I am a lazy cow. And buying flowers...when they are reduced lol.

God I sound ungrateful!! Basically I think I would rather have him do genuine things that mean something than some BIG gesture which doesn't mean anything. (Or is covering up some bad behaviour)

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