

Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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I'm getting SOOOOOO annoyed!!

Someone posted a little while ago about people keep asking if they had popped yet... Well, it's starting to happen to me and I'm only 33+3!! :wall:

It wouldn't even bother me too much but I have a fooking ticker on my Facebook...!

It's people that hardly even know me too! Why would they care whether I'd popped or not? If I knew them well enough I'd tell them anyway! Surely I'd update my profile?!!

It's just that they keep saying "have you had IT yet" and it's so frustrating. I potentially have another 8 and a half weeks left! No "How are you? How are things?" or anything.

Anyway, this bloke keeps asking me if I've had "it" yet and he's such a kn*b anyway. When he first heard I was pregnant he said "oh well, sex ed didn't help much then! lol" and I thought, that's not even funny?! & the same guy said that I shouldn't have found out the sex as it ruins the suprise... ARGH!

I think I might be in a little bit of a sh*t mood tonight lol :roll: :(
i'd just ignore them, but i get a weird sort of satisfaction form making people wait for information like that!

Anyway don't worry if you are in a bit of a bad mood, we all get them (in my case quite frequently).

aw i know :hug: it gets so annoying eh!!

people think they all of a sudden have the right to ask dont they! :wall:

im just gonna start saying "yeah i have....cant u tell" and see what reaction i get :twisted: hehehe xxxxxxxx
The gas man (whom I've never met before) came to read the gas meter last week and as I waddled out to open the side gate for him he said "blimey, you got twins in there" :roll: . Does he really think saying I'm huge is a compliment??????

Men seem to lose all tact when they talk to a pregnant woman :wall:
i havent had any of this yet! luckily! i guess people arent that intrested in knowing if ive had my baby yet! lol

But on the other hand i do have a MIL who keeps telling me she wants baby to come early so that she can see her before she goes on holiday! how selfish is that!! I want Sophie to come out when shes ready! and not a moment sooner! :shakehead:
Its my due date today, got my first email at 5.30!! That was from a freind who was on an early shift but still!
My dad phoned at 9 to ask if anything had happened.
What bugs most is its the same people over and over that ask. As if I wouldnt tell them if id given birth!!!
OH was making an appointment in the bank the other day and the woman looked at me and said 'Oooh you're not about to drop now are you?!' :talkhand:

Had the twins comment quite a few times too :roll:

Has anyone seen 'Knocked Up'? Watch the DVD the other night and on the bonus bits theres a stream of bits telling her shes the size of the house and asking when she's going to drop...and shes only 7 months gone!
bhe101 said:
What bugs most is its the same people over and over that ask. As if I wouldnt tell them if id given birth!!!

Happy due date! :dance:

That's exactly it! It's the same people who ask! AND, I have another 6 (loooong) weeks to go!

I was in a bit of mood the other night though, hence the miserable post :oops: lol xxx
Don't people just drive you mad I just don't understand the effect pregnancy seems to have on them where they say really stupid things and start asking personal questions they would never dare to ask!!! :twisted:

Yesterday I had a customer say 'ooh your expecting too' and ask a few questions and things which is fine is nice to talk to someone else who's at the same kind of stage but then when she asked where I was going to give birth and I said the hospital she went on and on about how awful it was there and how much she doesn't want to have to give birth there :evil: I had already said thats where I had planned to have baby surely most normal people would leave it there not make you worry about your decission, which so far as I can see at mo is my only option, then she said she wasn't finding out sex of her baby cause you get to attached and 'things could still go wrong you know!!!' um yes I do but don't need it pointing out then she said I get the impression you know sex (the fact I called baby she is a bit of a give away!!!) so she knew I had chosen to find out sex then went on about all the reasons you shouldn't find sex talk about tact :roll:

If people start asking me if shes here yet towards the end I am going to turn my phone off or something I don't understand why people do that its hardly like your not going to tell them, although the way some of my family have been I dont hear from them for weeks on end I'm tempted to not bother to tell them when babies come as thats the only part of my pregnancy they will actually show much interest in, Im so tempted to keep it quiet for a week or two and have baby all to ourselves with no visitors intruding! :think: :lol:
I know what you mean with the people asking if the bay has arrived. Loads of 'friends' have come out of the woodwork this week, my facebook has gone wild and my phone doesn't stop- some of these people I haven't spoken to since I moved from Wales (over 2 years ago) and have just found out I'm expecting from gossip. They also all assume that I must be moving back because you can't hav a baby in London- idiot :| Do people not understand that I will be shouting it from the rooftops when LO does get here :wall: :wall: :wall:
I haven't had people ask that yet although considering the size of me that is quite surprising! When the delivery guy bought the cotbed into the house yesterday he was looking around and said 'So where's the baby?' :roll: I just pointed to my belly although he was very sweet and wished me good luck with it all!

My mum has been annoying me by asking if the baby has been kicking, every time I see her though.
Mildly said:
When the delivery guy bought the cotbed into the house yesterday he was looking around and said 'So where's the baby?' :roll: I just pointed to my belly although he was very sweet and wished me good luck with it all!

Hehehe! What a bloke thing to say! :roll:
:lol: I know, I think he just thought I was really fat :oops:

Before he'd arrived, I'd fooled the dog into going for a biscuit hunt in the back garden so the delivery man didn't get attacked. I was tempted to tell the guy my 'baby' was hunting biscuits out in the garden but figured he might call social services on me :D

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