argh noo


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2009
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This fat feeling is gross. i have just been browsing through the bump pics in tri 3 and everyone looks so lovely and slim with such a neat bump.

i feel like i have love handles and just look generally fat :( i dont know what to do, its really bothering me.

i dont want people to judge me or think badly of me bt ive had an on off eating disorder for years and have always had a good figure (used to model which made the disorder worse) and now im having real trouble not being able to sort out my fgure. because obv my baby is most importnat now. still having major trouble accpeting this awful body though!?!
I no how you feel, where i had my daughter and gave up with my body this baby is growing and pushing my fat out with it lol i seem to look pregnant with a layer of fat over the top that wobbles :( i hate it but my OH keeps telling me that it doesnt matter. After the bbay is born i think im gonna start loads of runnin and sit ups as i no that helps :) x
Oh poor you, think its completely natural to feel like that and it will probably only last for your pregnancy. I've seen that your profile pic is a horse. I have an irish TB who is absolutely crackers and after my son was born the weight fell off me literally just by mucking out and groomin (Had a section so couldnt ride for a while) when i started riding again I got back to my starting weight and muscle tone in about 2 months! Your body is just protecting your baby right now, Putting on a bit of weight around the middle is just natures way of making sure baby is safe n secure.
Have you mentioned to your MW about eating disorder, they may be able to give you some support.

You will be fine! Its natural and is all about whats best for baby.
really, i wish mine was neat. at least you have had another baby and thats a good reason!
ive never had a baby before but i find myself obsessing over when she is here in the real world so i can lose all this awful weight and look after her properly
Oh poor you, think its completely natural to feel like that and it will probably only last for your pregnancy. I've seen that your profile pic is a horse. I have an irish TB who is absolutely crackers and after my son was born the weight fell off me literally just by mucking out and groomin (Had a section so couldnt ride for a while) when i started riding again I got back to my starting weight and muscle tone in about 2 months! Your body is just protecting your baby right now, Putting on a bit of weight around the middle is just natures way of making sure baby is safe n secure.
Have you mentioned to your MW about eating disorder, they may be able to give you some support.

You will be fine! Its natural and is all about whats best for baby.

He is an irish TB too!! only thing is im looking to loan him out for a year as money is tight :(
im still riding him everyday atm so i know once i stop this will prob get worse. i want to start swimmin and yoga then though.
i aven told anyone about it.
i just get angry (or sad) at my family when they mention me getting 'bigger' and i think im the only pregnant person in the world who didnt wanna 'show' i wanted my bump to never come then just miraculously have a healthy baby at the end of it lol. :roll:
Ha ha, i think by how youve typed that you probably know how ridiculous that sounds, lol!! You are going to get bigger but if you're still eating healthily all that weight will be associated with baby and hormones and as soon as baby is born will go naturally. I think its healthy to keep fit and not pig out in pregnancy but its not healthy to be obsessed about it!

I personally think you should speak to your MW, the thought process involved in eating disorders isnt a rational one and they could maybe give you some advice or something to help you see the bigger picture.

I'm sure you'll be fine but dont let this ruin your pregnancy or those early months with your baby. These moments are so precious and you never get them back. I think sometimes people dont realise that till its too late and the LO is all grown up!!

yeah i think i need to start eating more healthy. i have been pigging out too much which is prb why im not as neat as i should be. :)

thanks i may mention it to her see what she says x
Always worth taking advantage of any extra help that might be available to you, being pregnant and becoming a mum is stressfull anyway without any added pressure!!
I put on 4 stone with my first and had lost it all within a couple of months so I really wouldnt stress, just try go with the flow! xx
i havent dared weigh myself! i may do in a few weeks just to see.

mu mum gained 4 stone too haha. she had a lovely pregnancy and got her figure back amazingly nicely after me.

Hope your horse is well :)
I dont think anyone can really understand how you feel unless they have been through the same problems as you have with your eating disorder. I would also say deffo mention it to your MW and dont keep it bottled up or it will eat away at you even more. Just think, every time you put on an extra pound or look a bit bigger its your little baby growing and getting healthier xxxxxx
my horse is far too well, he's spoilt rotten and currently living it up in 5 star luxury on full livery as I was so sick at first I couldnt stand the smell or horse wee! Ha ha that was my excuse to DH anyway!! As soon as the grass comes through i'll put him back on DIY. I'm not riding him during my pregnancy because he's pretty daft and although I trust him my DH doesnt!! I think i'm going to try get him out on loan for the summer but he's just a bit silly, he's only 5 and most po=eople looking to loan something seem to be looking for plods! God knows, can see him turning into a very expensive pet!
mines just turned 7 and ok for me but when some people have tried him he was a total loon. advertise him as no novices etc and see who comes along?

thanks for that erin i will try :)
Hee hee tried that before, seems that people consider themselves not a novice as soon as they come off a lead rein nowadays! lol! I quite like him being fizzy, keeps it entertaining but can imagine it being a bit of a put off for people. He's not naughty, just really joggy, he'd never set off with anyone or anything but he just looks like a handful! Very slobbery and sweats himself up. He's my baby though, had him since he was 6 months so not too keen for him to go to someone i dont know!! he'll end up in our garden at this rate! xx
Awww hope dont worry about your weight, just focus on eating healthily and remember that your body lays down fat for breastfeeding, its natural. With my first I ate for England, I was literally scoffing all day long which is why I ended up so big! There's nothing you can do about it until after baby is born and even then its a bad idea to diet when you are b'feeding - don't get too worried hun :hug:
On't worry Hun I felt like this for ages then woke up one morning with a fab bump that just came from nowhere
:hug: hun Ive been struggling with my body changing too, I hav e atough time keeping it undercontrol when Im not pregnant so psychologically Im finding this hard. I think if you've had an eating disorder in the past it might be best to talk tosomeone about it now, cos you're just recognising the early warning signs, please dont let this sprial and take over your pregnancy, that wouldnt be fair, this is your time. :hug:
Thanks loads everyone. I finally weighed myself and at 22 weeks roughly, i have gained 1.5 stone exactly. anyone know if thats normal?!?! xx
NHS website said that most women gain around 2 stone during pregnancy but if you were slim to start with you should gain more but if overweight to start you dont necesarily need to gain that much. It also said that people gain weight at different rates so theres no guideline for how much weight by a certain week...I know cos i spent hours trying to find it on google! :rofl:

Also LOTS of websites said that dieting during the 2nd and 3rd trimester is really dangerous for the baby and has been linked to a lot of long term health problems for children so please try and resist the urge to diet and rub your bump with pride!! :)
Thanks Tiny I will try to resist sooo hard! i have felt unwell today so havent eaten much but after u said that i will force down some cereal in a bit :)

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