Argh i just got a speeding notice in the post


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2007
Reaction score
I'm gutted to say the least.

Yes i know i shouldn't have been speeding but i got done for being 37 in a 30 zone.

Who was it the other week on here who had a speeding notice?
I just want to know did you get points as well as your fine?

The fine i'm ok with but i just dont want any points.

Feel really upset now :cry: :cry:
you will get 3 points on an sp30 hun it wont affect anything, insurance companies dont take any notice of 1
yep im afraid its 3 points + £60 fine

my mate got here this week to :wall:
aww :hug:

i didnt get done speeding but i got done last week for going in a bus lane- there were no points for that but the fine was £60 (£30 if u pay it early, which i did)

i work in car insurance and im afraid it does increase ur premium a little bit, usually when u renew, u find its about £50 more expensive. but it doesnt affect anything else unless u get another one :hug:
Thanks everyone

I'm gutted but its a hard lesson to learn.

Forgot to add i already have 3 points from over a year ago so thats 6 now :x

I've been driving for 14 years and in the past 2 is when i've been caught out.

I got done last week hun :( I was doing 36 in a 30 :roll:

Anyway, I was offered either a speed awareness course OR £60 fine and 3 points.

I've opted for the 3 hour course which will cost £60, but that will be the end of it.

Has this course not been offered to you? You can only do it once in 3 years though.
Ooh i would do the speed awareness course too.

All i got was a form that i have to fill in asking if i was the driver. It says not to send drivers licence or money.....yet.!

I'll send this form off and see what comes back.
I'm hoping there is the option of doing the course.

Thank you for letting me know

I've heard of the course but i think they only do it in certain areas - someone i know did theirs in Leciester where they were caught - that way they didn't get any points.

I'd HATE to get any points, but i'm one of those annoying people who never break the limit..
glittergirl said:
Ooh i would do the speed awareness course too.

All i got was a form that i have to fill in asking if i was the driver. It says not to send drivers licence or money.....yet.!

I'll send this form off and see what comes back.
I'm hoping there is the option of doing the course.

Thank you for letting me know


Awww - I hope they do the course in your area.

I know EXACTLY how you feel. I ended up blubbing to my hubby :cry: :cry:

i got offered the course, but i dont think they offer it if you already have points. i was late returning the form so had to pay fine and got points :rotfl:
paradysso said:
i got offered the course, but i dont think they offer it if you already have points. i was late returning the form so had to pay fine and got points :rotfl:

**** mental note to myself - GET THE FORM IN THE POST TODAY!!! **** :doh: :doh:
Moomum said:
paradysso said:
i got offered the course, but i dont think they offer it if you already have points. i was late returning the form so had to pay fine and got points :rotfl:

**** mental note to myself - GET THE FORM IN THE POST TODAY!!! **** :doh: :doh:

Yeah another fine is all you need :x
Mine is in my bag now and ready to post at lunchtime. Hoping that if they see how quick i've been to return it they may not be so harsh :rotfl:
Wishful thinking?

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