Are You Sure?

We knew if the baby was going to be a boy he was going to be called after his daddy, if i was gonna be a girl well, she would have probably gone nameless for a few weeks because we couldnt agree on one at all, its really hard choosing a name but someone on here are naming a person not a baby, and that makes total sense, also, too many people name babies to please other people, for instance....if you mention a name and get a funny look or someone says they dont like it then it puts you off, just think of yourself and if it means something to you then thats just fine, i have had a few comments about the name Glenn but we are very happy with it and he looks like his daddy aswell so it suits him.x
Rach i totally no what your saying and im not easily pushed anyway... My mum suggested Connor Joseph. We liked Connor but not Joseph as my partner thought it was too biblical for us..... My partner also came up with a name forget what it was though, but i was like, dont think that will suit him when he's 40
we had a choice of 2 with millie and ryan, then as soon as we saw them we knew which name suited them best
We had Abigail Rose but I'm scared its too popular. Just cant think of anything else... :wall:

Hope she just looks like something when she's out.

Jonah was sorted from conception. I just knew he was a boy...and I like the idea of a name being unique.
I chose a girls name when I was about 6 LOL - I owned a doll with 'said name' and from that day I always said I want a little girl called _ _ _ _. It remains a secret though until she is born. If its a boy Im pretty sure Im naming him after one of my brothers - James. I wanted to call a boy Silas but OH wouldnt have it so I settled for something a littlew more normal :roll:

Ive always had a name for both boy and girl in my head for past few years - though i couldnt use them now as they were attached to a previous relationship.

This time around cant seem to agree on any names with the mum. lol
Tillytots said:
I chose a girls name when I was about 6 LOL - I owned a doll with 'said name' and from that day I always said I want a little girl called _ _ _ _. It remains a secret though until she is born.x

Whom does it remain a secret to?? Us on here, everyone or just your family?
if we have a girl, its definitely gonna be Isabelle (still to think of a middle name but might go with marie)

Im completely stuck on boys though. We were gonna go with Charlie, but i know certain people in my family would think its amusing to call it 'Chas' instead and that would annoy me. Possible Daniel. Still not sure though. :think:
G3M said:
we have 2 names , one has stuck more then the other but we dont talk about it untill he comes as we wanna see what he looks like ?!

Up until he was born we were decided on Ashley, but he didn't look like an Ashley. If that makes sense :)
before we were even married we'd decided on Molly Jayne and Samuel James.

Aimèe Rose was our lovely surprise and I knew her name instantly, it came to me the moment I knew she was a girl,at about 16 weeks.........

We didnt know sex of baby but I was convinced we were having a boy...

We had Arran David for a boy (we concieved after 2 years trying whilst on holiday in Isle of Arran, Scotland-very Victoria Beckham of me :wink: ) and David was a close friend of mine who we lost to cancer a few years ago....

Ruby Edith for a girl-Ruby is my borth stone and Edith as both mine and OHs nans were called Edith...

We never changed our minds on both names all the way through :cheer:
we picked sienna mae for a girl and Harrison jack came after, but I now want to call him Sean Junior
me and Liam still dnt know lol! we've had sarah kimberley cheryl rihanna nicole lexi ashley morgan abigail and mixes of them, but we still dont know lol!
Ohhhhh you havent got long left either have you stacey

Good Luck

we have picked a few that we like but not sure on it yet

where as with Oliver we had his whole name sorted even before we had our 20weeks scan hes called Oliver Travis James Simmons

Oliver coz we just liked it

Travis after my 8month old brother who died 7months previous to Oliver being born(Also found out i was pregnant on the day of his funeral so feel like there is some kind of connection!)

James as it runs in Matts side of the family and he also has matts surname!
1sttimemum said:
Tillytots said:
I chose a girls name when I was about 6 LOL - I owned a doll with 'said name' and from that day I always said I want a little girl called _ _ _ _. It remains a secret though until she is born.x

Whom does it remain a secret to?? Us on here, everyone or just your family?

ha ha EVERYONE, apart from OH :) Its not Barbie by the I realised after I said being named after a doll :rotfl:

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