Are you going to tell people your chosen names?


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2010
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Hi, I am only 8 weeks pregnant so not even going to tell people that I am pregnant until after my 12 week scan (and that is booked when I am actually 13 weeks lol) but my husband and i never tell anyone what names we like for 2 reasons (we already have 2 children and never told anyone the names we chose)
Firstly because you always get some people saying that they do not like that name and it reminds them of some naughtiy, snotty nose kid they know!!!!!
I think this is really rude and upsetting, you spend ages deciding what to call them and really love your final desision then some one goes and spoils it!!!!! Once you have named the baby when it is born people do not admit they do not like the name lol.
Secondly I like to keep it as a suprise!!!! The last two times I was pregnant I used to give out a couple of girls and boys names that we liked but never even mentioned the ones we was really having lol
That way I knew we was naming our children what we really wanted without being influenced by others :dance:
I think I'll tell people but I'm a stubborn person and if they wrinkle their noses it wont bother me :lol:

We're REALLY struggling with names but I've only known for 10 days that I'm pregnant so plenty of time yet, I've trawled the name sites and so far nothing really jumps out.

All I know is I want to avoid the top 10 and no cutesy names, I'm 37 and always loved the name Lily, even when it was considered 'old fashioned' a couple of years ago but now it's mega popular so that's scuppered that one.
We have been telling people - our names are quite traditional so there has been no "OMG you can't name the baby that"

It's our decision ultimately but to me and OH involving our family and friends [to a degree] is just part and parcel of it all.

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weve not hidden our names from anyone that asks as we have names for either so just need to tell them the final name once minion is here. So far no-one has said they dont like our names bu i wouldny make a difference anyway lol xx
Yep we have chosen the name and are not telling anyone because they all have opinions on them and it pisses me off... It's not your baby so I don't care if you don't like it!!!
We are keeping our name a secret. Everyone knows he's a little boy, so i wanted to keep something a suprise!

No way! I got talked out of 2 names I liked (Holly & Faye) by the stupid MIL who knows a brat or a baby that died. So I learnt my lesson and will be keeping my 3rd a secret until she is born :)
We arent telling anyone because when I had DD we were team yellow and told my family our names. My mum and sister hated our chosen boys name and just went on and on about it all the time! It didnt put us off the name but it annoyed the hell out of me.
We had a girl, so it turned out not to be an issue, but Im risking the same thing happening again this time round!
I'll tell people, doesn't bother me if they don't like it or have known someone they don't like with that name - It's up to them to see past that shallow attitude, not me. And if they're really rude about it then I'll tell them that I once knew a total bitch with their name ;)
We're keeping ours a secret. Partly because we don't want any opinions also it means if we see the baby and think it doesn't suit the name we can change it still xx

Not telling anyone besides here.
Mil already said how involved was when bil was naming their LO and that they changed their choices 2 because mil didn't like the names (and all that Eden after the baby was born...)
So no way to let anyone interfere with anything...
A second point is that I am Greek my oh is canadian and we both live in Norway... Probably every set of grandparents want an English or a Greek name...
To avoid the whole problem he bean will get a French name lol...
Amelie Celeste or Amelie Celestia....
It will be announced when she will be born and they can only dare to say they don't like it lol...
I'm keeping names a secret from family and friends, though not with you lot ;) I think it's because I'm worried they'll say something negative about a name we love xxx
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We only told my parents and a few close friends last time (when asked not volunteered), we had quite traditional names in our lists so there wasn't many turned up noses. We didn't want to choise our final name until after baby was born, so two surprises sex and name.... Although took us 3 days to name still, mainly cos our fav boys name didn't feel right when he arrived!

This time think we'll do the same, although might just have one girls and one boys name and pray it feels right when they arrive!

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We've told people most of our names, but are keeping one of the girls names a secret. I really really like it, and don't want anyone to wrinkle their nose at it!
We told a handful of people (parents, close friends) our top 3 choices but didn't tell them which one was our favourite

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