Are you breast feeding or formula feeding??

First Baby White

Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2007
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Sorry for the endless posts I have done this week over feeding, I cant thank you all enough for your support and advice.
I was just wondering how many of you breast feed and how many formula feed.
As you can tell I am struggling with feeding well not actual feeding as I am getting past the sore nipples part now but he seems to be getting really upset when feeding and falls off the boob every couple minutes and wont feed longer then 10 minutes anymore. We have to fight with him to get him on my boob as he wrestles it away and it akes both me and DH to do it which is going to be impossible once he returns to work.
Also my frame of mind isnt great as I cant cope with the demands of him always needing more when I have no energy to give it and I hate seeing him stressed. I find my se;f waking up in the morning dreading him crying as I have to feed him so our bond isnt there which I hate.
I think I have made the decision today to swap to formula and express 2 bottles a day for him but wondered what those who bottle feed have experienced and whetehr they felt bad for not breast feeding etc, i just want to hear from both sides of the coin.

I formula fed from the beginning as Maddison was a bit poorly and wouldnt feed from me. There are loads of women on here who successfully breastfed, why dont you contact one of them to get some breastfeeding support. Try Midna, Trixipaws, Valentine, zebrastripes or Urchin (I'm almost certain all of these successfully breastfed and will be able to help you) :hug: :hug:
I have put formula because thats what we did before he was weaned, obviously now he has regular food too!
Now I am probably going to get lynched for this but I hated breast feeding and really resented people pushing me to do it, I only did it for 5 days and those were the only miserable days I have ever had with my son, I wish I had given up sooner and just enjoyed our first days together instead of putting unnescesary(sp?) pressure on myself to do something I wasn't happy with!
The choice to carry on or not has to be yours so if it means everything to you then battle on with it, everyone says it gets easier, but please don't give yourself a hard time if you don't!

I REALLY didn't want to breastfeed, but my OH begged me to just at least try it. Even if it's just for a few days at least she was gonna get the good stuff at the start. When she was 1st put on me i was surprised how easy it was. Then after a few days i started to struggle. I was all ready to quit, but the cost of formula made me stick at it as there was no way i could afford it. Now i love doing it. I tried expressing so OH could feed but it was too much hard work, and she hated bottles. So we're back to boob. Sometimes i find it hard work and when i'm tired i get tearful, but those days are few and far between in comparison to the good days.
midna said:
LisaJ1986 said:
I REALLY didn't want to breastfeed, but my OH begged me to just at least try it. Even if it's just for a few days at least she was gonna get the good stuff at the start. When she was 1st put on me i was surprised how easy it was. Then after a few days i started to struggle. I was all ready to quit, but the cost of formula made me stick at it as there was no way i could afford it. Now i love doing it. I tried expressing so OH could feed but it was too much hard work, and she hated bottles. So we're back to boob. Sometimes i find it hard work and when i'm tired i get tearful, but those days are few and far between in comparison to the good days.

It gets even easier hun :wink:

That's good to hear! I feel kinda bad that OH can't feed her, but not too bad as that makes her all mine! Lol
I love bfing, I always have... when I had to stop with Tia at 9 months I have never regretted anything more in all my life... but if you'd asked me if I would have regretted it when Tia was a few weeks old I would have said "Hell No!"... the only reason i continued was because bfing uses 500 calories a day and I wanted to loose weight quick... it was a selfish reason that kept me doing the right thing. It was painful, tiring and stressful. But all of a sudden around 6 weeks it got better... I topped Tia up with formula, but boob came first and then a bottle if she was still hungry. After that it was easy compared to the hassle of bottle feeding.

If you take this decision, there will be no going back, so don't take it lightly. Once you make the majority of the feeds with formula your supply will eventually dwindle and you will start struggling with the breast or your LO will make the decision for you and start refusing the ebm. You probably will feel bad in some way for quitting bfing... Not because you made the wrong decision but because your system will suddenly lack serotonin which is produced when you feed.. its also the feel good hormone (apparently is the bonding system or as I put it the "I won't throw the baby off the balcony" system :rotfl: )

A happy mum = a happy baby... But its ultimately your decision.... I congratulate Evemarie on her honesty... She didn't enjoy it and its not always the right decision for every mother... but those that admit that have to be congratulated as usually the bfing police will jump on you... :rotfl: :rotfl: Remember there will always be decisions concerning your child that go against the norm... but your kid your decision.
I'm formula feeding. I would say please please stick with it if you are able to. I had complications after Becky's birth and wasn't able to feed her for nearly 3 days, then she wouldn't latch on and I'm sure this was the nail in the coffin for us. I ended up not producing any milk despite trying repeatedly in the hospital and again repeatedly when we got home.

Every time I see someone breastfeeding their LO I still feel a wave of jealousy and guilt. I know in my heart I couldn't have done anything about it and have been told the same by the midwife, HV, GP etc but I still feel bad about it. 3 months down the line I still feel I have to justify why I'm bottlefeeding. You also need to think about the preparation of feeds etc and what formula to use - believe me people may feel that there is little support out there for breastfeeding but there is NONE where I am if you have a question about changing formula or preparation of feeds. Folks on here have been fabulous answering my (numerous) questions on bottlefeeding though!

I would have loved to have been able to feed at all so I would hate to see someone throw that chance away and then regret it further down the line. This early on it's a big hump to get over but the ladies on here are wonderful and will help you through the rocky times.

However if you DO decide to change don't do what I did and beat yourself up over it. I did what was right for us at the time and I know that Becky is no worse off for it. The choice is your but just remember the mantra happy mummy = happy baby. :hug: :hug:

Gawd I've totally rambled, I'm sorry, was tempted to go back and delete it all :oops:
I couldn't cope with the pain on top of the pain of my stitches and the SPD. And although we have successfully breast fed after the crippling pain had gone, I still don't like it much. I know everyone says about how close they feel to their baby but I get that feeling more with bottle feeding when we can stare at each other properly.

However, there is a big guilt thing about not breast feeding. So since day 3 DD has been exclusively on expressed breast milk. This way:
1. I don't have to breast feed (baring in mind I don't like it much)
2. OH does the middle of the night feed :D
3. She gets all the goodness.
4. I burn more calories so feel less guilty about my malteser intake :oops:
5. I get the goodness too - the protection against breast cancer.
6. I don't have to feel guilty for not breast feeding.
7. It's cheaper than formula.
8. It smells less than formula.
9. Her poos don't really smell (except when I have popcorn - then you can smell the popcorn!!!) and I think they would with formula.
10. I can chill and relax for 4 to 6 hours a day while expressing (OK, this is a bad thing too and very frustrating at times).

I was in your situation and what I chose to do was right for us.
Can you see a breast feeding support person? At the moment it doesn't sound like breast feeding is working well.

Remember, there are all sorts of things that make up your baby. Breastmilk is best for your baby but that doesn't mean that formula is not good for your baby. You have to do what you feel is best. And I personally don't think that you dreading time with your baby is best. I think you should go to a professional for breastfeeding support and if that doesn't help then go on to formula or expressed milk.
I formula fed from 3days and I have never been so realived. I hated breastfeeding. Through out my whole pregnancy I said I was going to bf no matter what but when it came down to it she was trying to feed every half hour when she wasnt feeding i was in floods of tears and I hate to admit it but I didnt want Lily in the same room as me because I dreaded her wanting another feed. Nobody knew what to do with me I was a mess and well my boobs :rotfl: 4 midwifes said they had never seen so much bruising on boobs before and she was making bleed everywhere. I gave her a bottle and it honestly felt like I had won the lottery I had a very happy baby who nearly sucked the teat off the bottle :lol: and I have never been so relaxed. It also meant OH could feed madame for me or I could go have a bath in peace.
hon you sound like me when i started bf-ing; connor and i really struggled at first and i nearly gave up - i'm soooo glad i didn't now - it would probably have been one of the worst decisions i could ever have made. i found this post that i wrote when it all started to go right and though you might like to see:


good luck with whatever you do - at the end of the day a happy mummy means a happy baby, but please don't give up if you think you might regret it later on.
You sound like how I was at the beginning too. I nearly gave up at around week 2-I was stressed cos my Lo lost weight and then had problems latching on.... but I persevered and by week 4 had got the hang of it and she was piling the weight on and now I'm glad I carried on.
It honestly does get easier, but you need to do whats right for you, don't let others push you into doing something you don't want to do.
xxxxxx :hug: :hug: :hug:
I voted formula feeding as thats what I'm doing now, but up till the beginning of last week I was exclusively breastfeeding, I was told by the hv and doctor to start topping Logan up with formula as he was losing weight. It killed the breastfeeding, Logan started prefering the bottles and refused the boob. I tried expressing but couldn't get more than a couple ounces.

I loved breastfeeding and I'm so gutted about it coming to an end. I still feel really upset about it. I went to baby massage yesterday and felt like crap cos I was the only one not breastfeeding and the hv was talking about a breastfeeding picnic. Logan was screaming is head off whilst I was getting his bottle ready whilst all the other babies were happily boob munching. I felt really depressed afterwards :(
I feel knackered cos I've had to get up several times in the night thelast few nights to warm, and feed him his bottle. Normally he'd be in bed with me so i could feed him without waking up properly.

Dont feel bad if you want to formula feed as babies grow up healthy on formula (my 5 year old was only breastfed for 1 week and is hardly ever ill.) but think carefully as once you quit breastfeeding its very very hard to get your supply back.
Bottle feeding is not easier! I know, I've done both twice. With formula comes problems such as baby being sick, wind, diarrehea.

You must do whats best for you though :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

How are you doing apart from the feeding issues? Feeling back to normal-ish yet?

I voted exclusivley breastfeeding, I found it really hard for the first few days (I know theres not many days between us) but the last 3 or so days have been so much better. I had purple blood spots on my nipples which were so sore and I it was toe curling when LO latched on. Since investing in Lansioh it seems to be much better and I finally feel like Rudy and I are getting somewhere at the moment. I think back to some point in the first week and think that if I'd had a bottle and formula in the house I would have broken and used it.

Luckily I have a big amount of milk but I've got a fast flow so it oerwhelems him sometimes so he throws up his full feeds. I've noticed that he sometimes seems to be pushing himself away from the breast like you've mentioned, I thin it might be frustration because he is hungry. My main problem at the moment it his hands- he seems to want to suck them aswell as my nipple and we get in some fights trying to latch him on.

He also had a day of every hour feeding, and that was hellish- I rememer waking the next day and wanting to sleep for a million years- since then he has been every 2 hours and that seems like a dream in comparison.

TBH, I am really starting to enjoy BF now. I know it takes longer for some to begin to enjoy it but I think, fingers crossed, we are turning a corner and it feels good but this has only happened the past few days. Maybe ive the BF a few more days, but as others have said Happy Mammy= Happy baby which is the most important thing.

Hope everything works out for you :hug:

Alex xxx
I exclusively fed for a week, combined for another week and now Evie is formula fed only. I really regret giving up breastfeeding so early. It's not because I feel like I'm feeding her poison- I don't think that at all. Its the fact that I don't have that special bond with her- now ANYONE can feed her whereas before it was our special thing :(

Next time I really hope I can exclusively feed :)
Thanks for your advice ladies as always a massive help :D

Alex - Apart from the feeding I am doing ok just have a bit of the baby blues but to be honest it all stems back to the feeding so once this is sorted I am hoping everything will be perfect. How are you and Rudy doing?

Jade - I think that was one of my concerns that I wouldnt have the bond but I will be looking after all day while hubby is at work and will rely on me for everything so think it will still be there and to be honest with me despising feeds the bond is being ripped apart at the moment as awful as that sounds. I have baby blues as well So not herlping!!!
First Baby White said:
Thanks for your advice ladies as always a massive help :D

Alex - Apart from the feeding I am doing ok just have a bit of the baby blues but to be honest it all stems back to the feeding so once this is sorted I am hoping everything will be perfect. How are you and Rudy doing?

Jade - I think that was one of my concerns that I wouldnt have the bond but I will be looking after all day while hubby is at work and will rely on me for everything so think it will still be there and to be honest with me despising feeds the bond is being ripped apart at the moment as awful as that sounds. I have baby blues as well So not herlping!!!

I fed for the first few days and have formula fed ever since and for me it was the best decision I made, I bonded much better once I was giving her bottles as I hated breast feeding and dreaded her waking for a feed. We have a fantastic bond now and TBH I still do 90% of the feeds.
Sam was BF exclusively for 4 weeks ish, we introduced a bottle of expressed milk at night so OH could feed and give me a small break which slowly turned into a bottle of formula at night when i couldn't express enough. I was really struggling with PND at the time and in a state so a few more bottles of formula crept in day by day and it was a slippery slope, my supply went down and it got harder and harder to get Sam to take the breast. He is fully formula fed now and I've felt so guilty and sad about it but really, i think we are both much happier with the way things are, he is more settled and i am less stressed now OH can do more feeds and half of the nightshift.
Only you can decide what is right for you both, never let anyone make you feel bad about not BF if thats the route you take, as long as you are happy your baby will be too :hug: :hug:
I am exclusively breastfeeding and absolutely love it :D but then I haven't had any problems with it - LO was a natural from the start.

(Or actually I did have a mild form of mastitis due to swimming in lakes but nothing that couldn't be sorted out).
I breastfed Willow until she was 7 months when she went on to solids. I've never had to give her formula. I'm still breastfeeding now and am planning on continuing for a good while yet. In the first few weeks, sore nipples, feeling pressured, babys constantly feeding etc, is all part of it. Just persevere! Don't let any of it put you off, just keep at it because when your boobs and baby have sirted themselves out, you will enjoy it so much more

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