Are these normal HCG an PROG numbers? :(


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2015
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My hcg today at 16dpo is 666 and my progesterone is at 69 are these normal numbers? Having more drawn on Friday hoping they double. I've lost all my symptoms :-( were yoir betas the same?
I don't know I'm sorry but I think you need to have more bloods taken to make sure your HCG levels are increasing xx
My symptoms have completely gone and everything is ok with bean x
Thank you. when did they go? I'm only 4w2days so thouoght they would still be here. x
My symptoms didn't even start until 6 weeks so I wouldn't worry too much. There's not much you can do until you know the results of your bloods on Friday so try to take it easy and relax.
My hcg at 4+0 was 231 then at 4+2 was 540. It's the increase that matters more than actual number but 666 sounds good for 4+2. Your progesterone is nice and high too. I take it you'll have second hcg though?
Thanks ladies, I'm going to try and relax but my sore nipples have gone away and breasts are no longer big and dark! :( Hoping they come back soon though!

Yes I am having another HCG test on Friday to see if it goes up. Please keep your fingers crossed everyone, I'm soooo nervous! Hopefully they will offer a ultrasound next week too.

I had one today as I didn't know my dates and was having pain on the left side and it showed nothing, only a thickened lining. Is that normal for 4w2days? I know its early but they were worried about it being ectopic.

When I spoke to the doctor on the phone he said that my levels are normal for a normal Intrauterine pregnancy.

Thank you ladies I will update you all on my results! x
I didn't really have any pregnancy symptoms threw out my pregnancy & ive got a healthy 14 week old. I only knew for sure there was a baby in there when i kept doing tests, scans, hearing hb etc. I did get really bad heartburn though but I had that before pregnancy!

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