are my mum and dad embaressed.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2011
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They don't say anything negative but they dont say anything positive either. So I find it quite hard to talk to them about it as they don't seam like there that interested. If were out and we bump in to there friends they don't tell them. I uses to work at the same place as my mum but I got made redundant, so i have a few friends there I know one of them knows because of facebook. But my mum hasn't mentioned she has told them or if they have said anything. I'm 19 weeks pregnant and I'm 25. I'm still living with them but the main thing in my opinion what they ask me is were do they think the council will house me and joke I think wjat there going to do with my room when I move out. i know its not easy to get a council place but don't say anything as I dont really know what to. I feel uneasy talking about it.. :/
Also earlia my next door neighbour was saying to my mum how much she loved being a nanand its completely difrent to being a mum n she doesn't want them to move out. I thought as the convo was on that topic she might have said actually I'm going to be a nan soon. I'm very confused
Hey Hun,

I have just read this. I am the same age, pregnant and at the time was still living at home. Unfortunately when I told my family they were unsupportive to say the least. Told me they were ashamed and my mum couldn’t even look at me. I am also a big secret!! I had no choice but to leave and find myself somewhere to live, my story is all on “I have just found out I am pregnant”. This was all only a few weeks ago.

What I have come to realise over the past 3 weeks which have been hell for me, is that the most important thing in all of this is my lil bean. So I have to be strong and do the best I can no matter what. I know it hurts when you feel as though you are some big secret and you cant understand why they cant be happy for you, making this the exciting time it should be by spreading this amazing news!! Let me tell you I still have yet to have my very first face to face congratulations. L

I hope you don’t mind me asking but is the father involved at all and do you have any support around you? If you ever need to talk you can always pm me. J xxxx

Ellie xxxx

Where are you based hun?
I am still with the dad, he lives at him mums tho. But i dont really know were i stand with him. One minute he seams happy and interested and the next his is short tempered and makes me feel so unimportant. I see him not as much as i used to because he works and always says his tired. He slept over at home house for the first time in about 2 months on the week end, and after a few hours he then just turned the ps3 on and sat on that from 5pm untill 11pm when we went to sleep then woke up knocked something down the toilet and instead of getting in out and clearing the mess up he came and moaned at me that theres too much stuff in there and i had to go and sort it out, he then sugested we went to the cafe it was packed so i said il go and get and seat he didnt answer so i said it again to which he said "your worse than a little bloody kid" :( i was really embaressed as other people must of heard him. And was just being an arse in general. Its getting to the point were i dont even know if its worth staying together. :/ He wont take any time off to come to any hospital appointments with me even thought if he asked at work it wouldnt be a problem. Are you still with the babys dad? x
Hmmmm, well first of all I would have expected him to go to your appointments/scans, there is no excuse for not attending! I hope you didn’t have to go on your own? And what was the excuse he gave for this??
He seems pretty immature from what you are saying, but maybe when your lo is born it will be the shock to the system that he needs. Then again I cant promise and wouldn’t want to raise your hopes up. But it also depends on how long you have been together and what type of relationship you had. My only advise and one thing that I have learnt is that you can only truly rely in yourself. YOU are the only person who wont let YOU or your lo down. Your lo is priority and he needs to realise that, stop acting like a child and be the man you need him to be right now and once the babies born. I think you need to decide if he is more of a help or a hindrance! Lol and of course if you love each other.
Has he helped you out at all, or bought anything for the baby?
No im not with the father, he told me to have an abortion and has not spoken to me for 3 weeks now! I never thought he could ever abandon me like that but he has. Its been hard and lonely. xx

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