aptimil babies


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2005
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just wonderd why you chose aptimil?

For Adele i was told by the neonatal nurse that aptimil would be better for her as iwasnt producing enough breast milk :(
So my choice for Aptimil for Colby was just because i was farmilure with it when Adele had it :D

and is it true its really the closest to breast milk?
Yes it is the closest apparently.

That's why I chose it for Brody :)
That's what they told me in SCBU so that's why D was on it at first when he had tops ups inbetween expressed breastmilk.
my midwife at hospital recommended it too xxx
I think my mum actually recommended it to me, she used it for my youngest brother ( now 10), she told me it was the best formular about.

I was informed that yes it is the closest thing to breastmilk I think it has something to do with it being full of omega 3 ( might be wrong its been a few years since I've used it)

i don't need it at the mo as lily is breastfeed but if I ever do I'd deffinatly chose aptimil again, it cost more but in my oppinion it's better.

My HV recommended it to me when I started topping up - also because a lot of babies find it a bit easier to digest apparently

I LOVE aptamil! sorry about being so over enthusiastic but all mums who've had a constipated baby will understand! it is very close to breast milk and helps losen babies stools, i would never ever use another formula, and i wont on any future children, i just wish id known about it to begin with, ever since alfie has been on it hes slept better too.
Adele did start on pre-Aptamil then just went onto normal aptamil at 6 months.

Pre Aptamil has mre fat in it as i was given that in SCBU as she wasnt great at putting weight on, thinks thats what helped get her out of hospital quicker

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