appt today and early scan


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2010
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I have to see the midwife today and am hoping I get a date for my early scan! I am excited and nervous!
:yay: how exciting!! im sure everything will be fine!!

:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:

Exciting!!!! Let us no how you get on Xx
Very exciting, I hope it all goes well xxx
Goodluck hunny, let us now how you get on x x

So midwife was really nice but said that is the doc that is supposed to refer me for early scan, so have to go back to docs this afternoon, only trouble is the only apt they had is with the dr that no one will see cos he is a first class arse! could be interesting, i am just going to go in and say right i want an early scan, 3 mc and a promise from the consultant at st michaels that i could have one with next pregnancy.
The midwife was worried that i am ot dealing with the hwhole thing well, i cried my way through the appt and she thinks i may need a couple of weeks off work but as you all know my work are ridiculous so i am not going there. I just want my early scan so i can make sure everything is ok and if it is not atleast i know and i can try and get over it!

If doc fobs me off then my mum said her and dad will pay for me to go the the spire hospital for an early scan but i dont see why i should have to pay after all the mcs and stuff.
Hmmmm keep pushing for your early scan L, and totally understandable that your nervous and anxious but as you pregress your nerves with cease.....keep us posted what Dr says xxx
Hi Hun, what about phoning your epu directly and asking for an early scan? That's what I did and they booked me in themselves without doctor referral? Xx
I tried that before I booked the private one but they said only if I have pain or bleeding :-( see what doc says this afternoon atleast I know I have one book now anyway! Only a week to go
Good luck with doctor - just say to him/her that your consultant says to do it and your midwife and sure there shoud be no problem in referral. Its strange how all the different hospitals around the UK do different stuff... Have a sit down protest if they dont refer you lol
So I saw the doc and he was really nice! I nearly passed out lol!
He has booked my early scan for wednesday at 10am so I cancelled the private one! I got wait 55 minutes more now tho hmpf!
aw im so pleased but how very dare they make you wait lol x
Thats great your getting an early scan. I had one around 7 weeks and we could see the heart beat. It was an external scan too & i didnt have a full bladder. The sonographer had to press quite hard to get a good picture though.
That's great news, so happy for you Xx

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