Applying for new jobs, what to do?


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2011
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I work freelance but the work is very very quiet just now. Thinking of applying for a job so I can make some decent money before bean comes along. I'm 12 weeks just now. I know I wouldn't be entitled to maternity pay from a new employer.

But do you think its a bit mean not to tell them? or if they asked at an interview would I have to tell them? 'm nearly 12 weeks so just starting to get a little bump. The job I want to apply for is a fixed term post on a one year contract, its 3 days a week. So if I were to get it I would only be working 4/5 months then by the time I would be ready to go back the contract would be finished.

Really confused what to do, any advice appreciated. Thanks xx
If they don't ask then you don't have to tell them, and if you get the job you work what you can then leave and explain to your employer that you didn't know at the time. However if they ask you and you say no then this could invalidate your contract as it's deception to gain an advantage. Of course you will need to tell them by law by the 15th week before your baby is due.

If its a one year contract and you will be working less than that and the employer knows this then they won't likely take you on with so many other candidates to choose from, and this is not discrimination but purely based on contract length. The same would apply for someone that wouldn't be able to finish a contract for any reason (aka I am going travelling in 8 months time). So be careful on that front.

Good Luck xxx
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I'm in a similar position... I'm almost 9 weeks and trying to find a job for summer. I think my chances are pretty slim, honestly saying, but I guess I should try.

Anyway, I agree with meggymum - you don't have to tell them if they don't ask, but if they do, you better tell them the truth. That's what I would do anyway.

Good luck!! x
Are they actually allowed to ask you outright if you're pregnant?
They are not really supposed to ask you no. And they probably won't. However it will probably be viewed in a court of law slightly differently for a 12 month contract than a permanent job, because one of the first things they will look for is whether you will be able to complete the contract, so they are not left high and dry after a few months.

They may not necessarily say "Are you pregnant?" but they may word it like "Is there anything happening that could or will prevent you from completing the full duration of this contract?". This could apply to pregnancy but it could also apply to anything else aswell, and this cannot be proved in a court of law as sexual discrimination.

Also another thing to bear in mind, while you don't have to legally tell your employer until the 15th week before your due date, you may want to tell them sooner if there could be hazards in your workplace. By law your employer must make reasonable adjustments to help you in your workplace during pregnancy but of course this only applies once you have told your employer that you are pregnant.

Hope this helps. xxx
I just started a new job when I was 12 weeks pregnant. I told my boss the other day and he was actually fine with it. It's a big company though and easy enough for them to find someone to cover my mat leave. I would just go for it! xx
Hi rachcraig. Congrats on new job and getting one while pregnant. Do you know yet if they will be giving you maternity pay? I know they don't legally have to but some companies just do as a goodwill gesture. Did they ask anything about preg at interview? I take it you weren't showing at all? xx

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