Applying for jobs while pregnant


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2006
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I am in a bit of a dilema at the moment. I have been working for my present employers now for over a year on fixed term contracts. My current contract ends the end of september. I am currently applying for permanent contracts, but I'm 12 weeks pregnant. I feel really awful, like I am deceiving my employers by not telling them I am pregnant while I am working for them and applying for jobs. I am waiting to hear today if I have been offered a permanent position. If I am offered it, do I tell them I'm pregnant when they offer me it (I know legally I don't need to say anything until I'm 25 weeks) or do I wait.

I'm planning on taking 6 months maternity leave (I'd love to have longer but can't afford it)

Help I need advice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't think they will give you maternity pay to be honest, you you can get Maternity allowance off the government at £106 a week if you were working full time.

I would tell them as soon as you can, because if you're on probabtion they could be entitled to terminate you contract.
Yes I agree with Sami hun, she is totally right.

Best of luck!
I've just copied this of the staff handbook and it relates to entitlement for maternity leave, so reading this, it seems to me that I would be entitled to maternity benefits. God, hope I am, we would really be struggling if I don't get it!!!! :doh:

To qualify for maternity leave an employee should have been continuously employed in the University's service for a minimum period of 12 months before the expected week of confinement. All other employees who have been continuously employed in the University's service for less than twelve months before the expected week of confinement, qualify for statutory maternity leave.
All other employees who have been continuously employed in the University's service for less than twelve months before the expected week of confinement, qualify for statutory maternity leave

That means you get what I told you about hun, Maternity Allowance, provided by the Government, it's £106 a week if you worked full time.
Sorry hun :(
I dont think they can turn you down only on the basis you are pregnant as thats discrimination. When I had my interview I told them and they said they appreciated my honesty (I got it)
:D I have now been offered a permanent job and I'm releived to say that I am entitled to full maternity benefits from my employers which is great news. When I told my employers that I was pregnant they were great and really supportive (although I think they may have been a little shocked) It's a relief to know that I have a job to come back to after my maternity leave, although in an ideal world I would love to have longer off with my baby, but our situation means that I will have to return to work!!! :(
Bexie said:
I am in a bit of a dilema at the moment. I have been working for my present employers now for over a year on fixed term contracts. My current contract ends the end of september. I am currently applying for permanent contracts, but I'm 12 weeks pregnant. I feel really awful, like I am deceiving my employers by not telling them I am pregnant while I am working for them and applying for jobs. I am waiting to hear today if I have been offered a permanent position. If I am offered it, do I tell them I'm pregnant when they offer me it (I know legally I don't need to say anything until I'm 25 weeks) or do I wait.

I'm planning on taking 6 months maternity leave (I'd love to have longer but can't afford it)

Help I need advice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bexie youre in the same boat as me!!!!! I dont know what to do either!
I was in the same boat as you guys, I was doing temp work through an agency and had just found I was pg the week before. I was offered a permenant job starting just before I was 12 weeks. Anyway I told them on the day I started that I was pregnant and they were fine about it, I had seriously thought they would take back the offer after I told them.
the law is changing - any baby born after 1st April - you are entitle to maternity leave regardless of length of service.

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