Applying for new job when TTC????


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2011
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Hi everyone,

Some backrgound on TTC, fell pregnant after 3 months of trying but sadly lost the baby at 7 weeks in Sept, have been trying since, will be on my 5th month trying this month.

Just looking for some opinions really regarding work and jobs.

I am thinking of looking for a new job, I work in childcare and want to continue to do so. I have been in my current job for a year and a half and I'm just not happy there, the people are horrible-I am the only one that has to pay cover when off work (when son sick-he has autism and I can't have just anyone look after him) and I have to pay the person out of my own wage, which isnt a very large amount. The support was terrible when I went through my miscarriage and I just feel that the place is filled with people that don't care about the children.
So my questions are; is it wrong to go for a new job when actively TTC
what happens if you fall pregnant as soon as you start
are you still entitled to maternity leave-do they keep the job open for you etc?

Any help, advice and opinions appreciated :) xx
Sorry to hear that your current place is making you unhappy hun!

I did read about it in your journal - some people hey?

I think to qualify for maternity you have to have been working for x amount of time. Not sure how long though? Sorry but someone else may know.

Best of luck!

Id say go for it hun, dont put your life on hold for something that could take a couple of months.

I think in your line of work its quite shocking that theres no support when going thru something quite as a devastating as miscarriage. Its totally understandable you cant just have anyone looking after your son.

So i think no its not wrong to go for a job when ttc, not sure what happens if you fall pregnant when you start your job as i am no longer in the UK and things change all the time.

Hopefully someone can advise you more.

Good luck
Thanks ladies,

Its crazy isnt it, a setting filled with women and I had one pass me a pregnancy magazine (two weeks after lost baby) and my boss go on about another woman that was pregnant (who was exact same stage as I would have been) was scared of miscarrying and then same day my boss said "come over to baby clinic and see all the tiny babys" Madnesss!! :-(

Thats what I am thinking though, could take another 6 months (or more) to fall pregnant again and then I am stuck in the same place. I am just concerned about what would happen if I did get pregnant very soon after in regards to being able to have mat leave and having a job after etc....xx
its a difficult one isnt it cos no-one really knows just how long its gonna take, i say go with whatever your heart tells you and if you want to look for another job then do it...what will be will i always think if you look for another job u ll get pregnant and if you dont you wont no win situation really..go with whatever you think
Thanks babyg,

That link is really helpful, I did go a google search but came across a lot of forum conversations rather than concrete information xx

Hope you're doing ok :hug: xx
Im the same as you lisey hun, i was made redundant so TTC and looking for work at the same time! I will have a look at the link also...thanks babyg! :) x
From my experience (with other people at my work), if your not pregnant wen u start the job then your entitled to maternity pay. Or at least if they can't prove you knew u were pregnant wen u start the job. That's how it works at my place.

Sorry u didn't get support wen you had a mc, I had great support at my work wen I mc so can't imagine how awful it was for u. Fx for the future x
From my experience (with other people at my work), if your not pregnant wen u start the job then your entitled to maternity pay. Or at least if they can't prove you knew u were pregnant wen u start the job. That's how it works at my place.

Sorry u didn't get support wen you had a mc, I had great support at my work wen I mc so can't imagine how awful it was for u. Fx for the future x

Thanks :) thats great to know. I am going to apply for jobs that come up that I like the look of as it seems I will still have entitlements to mat leave and poss maternity allowance xx
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Hey I would go for it. I stuck in a job I hated and 12 months on still no bfp. I figured I couldnt put my life on hold and like Cande said the job could be what stops it. I started a new job 2 weeks ago and am still trying now although I'm lucky in that maternity kicks in straight away (and I think statutory does and if not there's another allowance)

At the end of the day if it does happen in a new job you won't be the first and you definitely wouldn't be the last. You need to be happy so I say go for it and deal with whatever happens after when it arrives :)

I'm 100% glad I changed jobs and although I'd feel bad if it happened in my first few months our happiness is more important than any job xx
Heyy.....i'm same as you! kinda......been TTC since last august. Has misscarriage in September. I too work in childcare and want to change job! Luckily, I did get some good support through my miscarriage from colleges/friends/parents but not so much managment.
When I began bleeding I had to go into work to open/set up until another senior could cover me-an hour later-then I went hospital!! Then the doc told me to have rest of week off and rest and when I rang I got "Okay, thanks for letting us know, bye!" With follow up app etc they kinda huffed and puffed but let me go. I feel I was an inconvinience to them, horrible feeling so I completly sympathise.
I have been there 6 years so know with materity etc i'll be entitled to the full amount and worried if I move i wont get it and I cant afford that :( thing is i'm getting stressed bad at work cause i'm not enjoying it and thats not good for us TTC!!

However my friend just started her job (been there 2 weeks) and found out she pregnant. They have been brill and she gets full maternity entitlment and a job to go back to. So I think they have to give you that. I think its a legal requirment and to sack a pregnant lady without good reason is discrimination!!
Sorry for the SA but I hope this helps a little.

Good luck with TTC xxxxx
Heyy.....i'm same as you! kinda......been TTC since last august. Has misscarriage in September. I too work in childcare and want to change job! Luckily, I did get some good support through my miscarriage from colleges/friends/parents but not so much managment.
When I began bleeding I had to go into work to open/set up until another senior could cover me-an hour later-then I went hospital!! Then the doc told me to have rest of week off and rest and when I rang I got "Okay, thanks for letting us know, bye!" With follow up app etc they kinda huffed and puffed but let me go. I feel I was an inconvinience to them, horrible feeling so I completly sympathise.
I have been there 6 years so know with materity etc i'll be entitled to the full amount and worried if I move i wont get it and I cant afford that :( thing is i'm getting stressed bad at work cause i'm not enjoying it and thats not good for us TTC!!

However my friend just started her job (been there 2 weeks) and found out she pregnant. They have been brill and she gets full maternity entitlment and a job to go back to. So I think they have to give you that. I think its a legal requirment and to sack a pregnant lady without good reason is discrimination!!
Sorry for the SA but I hope this helps a little.

Good luck with TTC xxxxx

Thanks for your reply, definately helps :)

So sorry about your miscariage. I actually can't believe you had to go in and set up!! I was told to have two to three weeks off, from the start of 'threatened miscarriage' and I took two as they refused to pay me and I couldnt afford to not have the money, by that point the miscarriage was complete but I was of course still very emotional and distraught. I also felt like an inconvenience, I was bombarded with messages asking how long i would be off, if I wanted my bosses daughter to cover me, if I wanted my wages (that I was refused in the end) to be given to her.
Thats what worries me that the upset and stress could prevent it from happening and happiness is so important.

I have decided I will look for another job as it seems that there are rights and entitlements and also I dont know how long it will take to get pregnant and I can't stay at the setting for another year or so, I will go crazy xx
To be entitled to mat leave you have to have worked for a company for 1 week before falling pregnant (and they do use EDD as proof of this) and you have to inform them in writing the you are pregnant by your 25th week of pregnancy.

Even if you don't qualify for mat leave from work, you will get it from the government.
Heyy.....i'm same as you! kinda......been TTC since last august. Has misscarriage in September. I too work in childcare and want to change job! Luckily, I did get some good support through my miscarriage from colleges/friends/parents but not so much managment.
When I began bleeding I had to go into work to open/set up until another senior could cover me-an hour later-then I went hospital!! Then the doc told me to have rest of week off and rest and when I rang I got "Okay, thanks for letting us know, bye!" With follow up app etc they kinda huffed and puffed but let me go. I feel I was an inconvinience to them, horrible feeling so I completly sympathise.
I have been there 6 years so know with materity etc i'll be entitled to the full amount and worried if I move i wont get it and I cant afford that :( thing is i'm getting stressed bad at work cause i'm not enjoying it and thats not good for us TTC!!

However my friend just started her job (been there 2 weeks) and found out she pregnant. They have been brill and she gets full maternity entitlment and a job to go back to. So I think they have to give you that. I think its a legal requirment and to sack a pregnant lady without good reason is discrimination!!
Sorry for the SA but I hope this helps a little.

Good luck with TTC xxxxx

Thanks for your reply, definately helps :)

So sorry about your miscariage. I actually can't believe you had to go in and set up!! I was told to have two to three weeks off, from the start of 'threatened miscarriage' and I took two as they refused to pay me and I couldnt afford to not have the money, by that point the miscarriage was complete but I was of course still very emotional and distraught. I also felt like an inconvenience, I was bombarded with messages asking how long i would be off, if I wanted my bosses daughter to cover me, if I wanted my wages (that I was refused in the end) to be given to her.
Thats what worries me that the upset and stress could prevent it from happening and happiness is so important.

I have decided I will look for another job as it seems that there are rights and entitlements and also I dont know how long it will take to get pregnant and I can't stay at the setting for another year or so, I will go crazy xx

I had 3 days off (5 inc weekend) didnt wanna go back but felt I had too. Plus I was meant to be flying abroad on holiday the week after and doc wouldnt let me fly, due to complications, like 3 days before so I didnt cancel my flight (too emotional about loosing my baby!) and lost all money as insurance wouldnt pay out so lost £800, it was very bad time!!

I cant believe you have to pay for cover when your off, surely thats illegal?!! I think thats terrible. Good Luck in finding a new job, I hope you find one you enjoy!! I too will be looking now :) xx
Heyy.....i'm same as you! kinda......been TTC since last august. Has misscarriage in September. I too work in childcare and want to change job! Luckily, I did get some good support through my miscarriage from colleges/friends/parents but not so much managment.
When I began bleeding I had to go into work to open/set up until another senior could cover me-an hour later-then I went hospital!! Then the doc told me to have rest of week off and rest and when I rang I got "Okay, thanks for letting us know, bye!" With follow up app etc they kinda huffed and puffed but let me go. I feel I was an inconvinience to them, horrible feeling so I completly sympathise.
I have been there 6 years so know with materity etc i'll be entitled to the full amount and worried if I move i wont get it and I cant afford that :( thing is i'm getting stressed bad at work cause i'm not enjoying it and thats not good for us TTC!!

However my friend just started her job (been there 2 weeks) and found out she pregnant. They have been brill and she gets full maternity entitlment and a job to go back to. So I think they have to give you that. I think its a legal requirment and to sack a pregnant lady without good reason is discrimination!!
Sorry for the SA but I hope this helps a little.

Good luck with TTC xxxxx

Thanks for your reply, definately helps :)

So sorry about your miscariage. I actually can't believe you had to go in and set up!! I was told to have two to three weeks off, from the start of 'threatened miscarriage' and I took two as they refused to pay me and I couldnt afford to not have the money, by that point the miscarriage was complete but I was of course still very emotional and distraught. I also felt like an inconvenience, I was bombarded with messages asking how long i would be off, if I wanted my bosses daughter to cover me, if I wanted my wages (that I was refused in the end) to be given to her.
Thats what worries me that the upset and stress could prevent it from happening and happiness is so important.

I have decided I will look for another job as it seems that there are rights and entitlements and also I dont know how long it will take to get pregnant and I can't stay at the setting for another year or so, I will go crazy xx

I had 3 days off (5 inc weekend) didnt wanna go back but felt I had too. Plus I was meant to be flying abroad on holiday the week after and doc wouldnt let me fly, due to complications, like 3 days before so I didnt cancel my flight (too emotional about loosing my baby!) and lost all money as insurance wouldnt pay out so lost £800, it was very bad time!!

I cant believe you have to pay for cover when your off, surely thats illegal?!! I think thats terrible. Good Luck in finding a new job, I hope you find one you enjoy!! I too will be looking now :) xx

I completely understand, you dont want to ring and say the words, I had to cancel my widwife appointment which was just two days later and I found it heartbreaking to ring and say why I didnt need it anymore.

I think its illegal too and if she asks (tells) me to do it again I am going to say that the money needs to be deducted from my cheque beforehand as I have been told its illegal by citizens advice. It must be illegal cos she is giving it to her daughter as tax free payment. I am not going to just give in and do it anymore as its not fair that its only me aswell, Citizens advice said its discrimination. I just dont want to cause a major fuss, we are a small setting, just 5 regular staff so no escaping really.
I hope we both find better jobs that make us happier :) xx
To be entitled to mat leave you have to have worked for a company for 1 week before falling pregnant (and they do use EDD as proof of this) and you have to inform them in writing the you are pregnant by your 25th week of pregnancy.

Even if you don't qualify for mat leave from work, you will get it from the government.

Thanks for this info, helps loads :)

Congrats on pregnancy :dance: xx

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