Apparently Im boring!

It is strange how people seem to berate you sometimes for knowing the sex of your baby.

Take no notice I say, its your baby and your choice! :hug:
Dont care anynore, if shes uptight and snooty she obviously has issues and dont like the fact that im happy.
Well thats what i think anyway.

I love knowing im having a princess and giving her a name seesm fitting and shes my daughter - i just have to wait to meet her
We didn't find out the sex first time around but we have this time, and I can honestly say hand on heart I am just as excited this time as I was before.......... some people just don't think before they open their mouths, don't let a stupid comment like that get to you. She is probably secretly jealous that you are one step ahead of her so to speak.
mrs_tommo22 said:
Was very upset by this comment off my supposed friend. Im boring because i know the babys sex and have a name for her.
Surely its polite to keep opinions like that to yourself.

I explained that for personal reasons i wanted to know the babys sex, and if i hadnt of known the sex i wouldnt have been able to bond with my unborn baby the way i have ( agin my opinion) and plan my little girls future and by the coloured clothes etc.

Maybe i am boring, but i did the same with my first baby and no one said nothing there, is it the whole i should be more patiant with this pregnancy? the answer to that is i dint think so. Its as exciting and magical to me as my first one.

So that friend wont be gettting a invite to the naming ceremony :cheer:

im afraid i agree with your friend.
whats the excitement of waiting for a baby you know the sex and name of? :)
Are you serious??? :shock:
'whats the excitement'??? Seeing him/her for the first time, holding him/her in your arms, breathing in their smell, etc etc etc. Its still exciting waiting for the day you meet your baby!!
Its like i said budge, its preference and personal opinion.

I think its exciting having a baby anyway despite knowing the sex and having a name picked out.

Buty like i said its my personal opinion.
I'm in the boring club too - I really want to know who's in there and feel strongly it will be a great way to help bonding for me. Unfortunately, just had my one and only scan on the NHS at 17 weeks and the operator said it was too early to tell, but I think she was totally lying and they just have a policy of not telling at this hospital, grrrrr :x

But.. my partner was really pleased she didn't tell us as he doesn't want to know, which is tricky... Yesterday I found myself Googling private gender scans here in Edinburgh, and am considering sneaking off and doing it without telling him, but fear it will be too hard/mean knowing without him knowing - not sure what to do!!!
I had a private scan done because my baby was in a akward position so i booked it cos DH wanted to know as well and it was a wonderful experience and has helped me bond in a way with her that i couldnt of done if i didnt know her sex.
I know people will diasgree with me on this, but it doesnt take away the magic for 'me' it enhances it, as it did knowing stephen was a boy.
i had a private sexing scan done cos i wanted to know but my OH didnt. he respected that i wanted to know the same as i respected that he didnt.
he said as long as i kept it to myself :D
Im glad the majority think were not boring, its just personal preferance!
You are far from boring.

I found out I was having a girl at my 20 weeks gender scan and it did not take away any excitement from my pregnancy and labour, meeting her, having first cuddle, etc. I had a superb midwife and I told her that I had called her Isabella and when Isabella was crowning, she was saying 'I can see Isabella, she has lots of hair'. Oh my god I knew my little girl was so close to meeting us all and joining the world. I agree personal opinion but I think it is like having a present sitting in front of you and someone saying 'dont look or open it' :D :D :D Im going to find out again if I have another.
Oh thats lovely Evadel and whata lovely sounding MW! it sounds like experiernce was more intense becasue of it, sounds wonderful though eitherways.
Vicki - is it difficult not buying gender-themed clothes, etc now that you know? I refer to mine as "she" all the time already, so if I suddenly stop and start referring to it as it, that might seem a little weird too - it's all very confusing! :think:
Your hiding it elsewhere areant you vicky, at least your the only poster that springs to mind.
its only me and my sil who know so if we do buy coloured clothes it gets hidden at her house.
i know ive let it slip a few times already but im not sure if anyones noticed
I hope your oh doesnt find out vicky lol, though after your LO is born you can have agiggle bout where you hid all the clothes ect!

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