Anyone's nearly 10w old still feeding 2 hourly?


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2011
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My DD sleeps really well and is a contented wee soul. I'm just worried that she still feeds every 2-3 hours, mostly 2.5 She'll be 10 weeks in a couple of days.

Anyone else?
Jack still feeds every 2-3 hours during the day and is now sleeping 6 hours of a night time. Are you breastfeeding? I think they usually feed a bit more if you are. If she is happy then I wouldn't worry, she'll just eat when shes hungry. What percentile is she on? x
Yep! Kynons 14 weeks now and still on 2-3 hourly feeds altho he's ill this week so not feeding much but still every 2-3 hours. Breast fed babies need to feed much more frequently as their tummies are smaller and breast milk is digested quicker, it's tiring I know! Kynon does go 4 hours sometimes at night now but that only started 2 weeks ago! Kynons content as long as he's fed, sometimes I sit all evening feeding him, greedy boy! My thinking is as long as my baby is happy so am I even if it means a few more months of broken sleep!
Yeah, Alice still goes every 2-3 hrs in the day. The last 2 days shes lasting nearer 3 hrs tho.
Babies will decide when they want to go longer hunny. You can't over feed a baby. I was still feeding my son 3 hourly at 4 months onwards sometimes. Mainly more at night till he started to sleep through at 9 months x
Ryan is getting much better at sleeping through but during the day he feeds every 2-3 hrs and maybe once a day he goes 4 hrs and he's 4 months old now.
My LO fed every 2-3 hours (when she was with me) until we started weaning, except at night she would do one stretch of about 5-6 hours then be back to more regular after about 14 weeks. If my DH had her during the day she would go maybe 4-5 hours though, but with me she just wanted boob all the time!
Thanks everyone, I feel better now. Yes she's ebf, at 91st % and sleeping 5-6 hours at night so I guess she must be happy at least :)

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