Anyone tried fertility massage?


Sep 12, 2018
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I have been ttc 22 months now and tried nearly everything! I have come across fertility massage and wondered if anyone has tried it and has it helped in any way?
Thanks x
I didn’t have massage but I did have fertility reflexology and I really rated it. It regulated my cycle from one that was always 40 days long to one that was 30, and I fell pregnant really quickly this time round
Thanks for that, think the lady I might go to also does reflexology so may try that too x
Didn't try fertility massage. Did try fertility reflexology but it really wasn't for me. It wasn't unpleasant by any means but I didn't really get anything out of it either. Also tried acupuncture as you hear so many good things about it but again I wasn't exactly convinced. I really got nothing out of it with the first acupuncturist I saw other than a place to vent. The second one was a bit better and the whole thing was a bit more relaxing but that was it.

It took us about 3 years to catch but I always had very regular cycles. I do wonder if these treatments are better for those who have issues with their cycles. For me it just felt like a waste of money.
Yeah I’ve been to a lady that specialised in fertility acupuncture, had it for a while quite regularly. I stopped mainly because we was buying a house and couldn’t justify the payments at the time! But not sure I got anything out of it, I don’t have any issues with my cycles either. But reading about the massage it can help realign organs especially if you have a tilted uterus, and help remove congestion after surgery etc, increases blood flow etc. I could just be clutching at straws but at this sage willing to try anything!
Fertility yoga might be much the same in terms of improving blood flow to that area.
agreed with Sunflower1. A few friends of mine also had acupuncture and ovarian mesotherapy, and it worked out for them. Good luck
Fertility yoga might be much the same in terms of improving blood flow to that area.

I'm with Sunflower on the yoga. I didn't do anything specific to fertility but I did start doing classes when we were TTC and carried on as I enjoyed it. It was nice to have something for me which involved a bit of relaxation and didn't cost the earth!!
Yeah I’ve been to a lady that specialised in fertility acupuncture, had it for a while quite regularly. I stopped mainly because we was buying a house and couldn’t justify the payments at the time! But not sure I got anything out of it, I don’t have any issues with my cycles either. But reading about the massage it can help realign organs especially if you have a tilted uterus, and help remove congestion after surgery etc, increases blood flow etc. I could just be clutching at straws but at this sage willing to try anything!

All the therapists I saw specialised in fertility. The treatments were most relaxing with the second acupuncturist I saw but I'm still not convinced they actually did anything for fertility.

I think if you stopped for financial reasons which is totally fair enough considering how expensive it is, I would ask myself how much I actually missed not having treatments. I remember sitting in the waiting room to see my first acupuncturist once and heard a client at the desk asking if there were any cancellations today as she desperately needed a treatment. I really wasn't getting anything like that level of benefit. It made me realise that all I was really doing was having a good moan to the acupuncturist who was very pleasant to be fair but that was it. I probably stuck with her far too long just for that reason.

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