Anyone tried acupuncture for TTC?


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2010
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Having seen acupuncture mentioned in "The baby making bible" and some ladies from another forum using it, I have decided to give it a go to help my body and to see if I can regulate my cycles, unless of course I get a BFP before the appointment.

So as the title states, has anyone tried it? If so what were your experiences?
I've not tried it but have tried relexology this cycle so fingers crossed it helps.
If no success I might try acupucture.
When's your first session, how many sessions are in a course?
Hello i am doing a dissertation on Alternative therapy in pregnancy and was wondering is anyone could answer some questions, any responses would be gratefully received.
Many thanks
I have just started having acpuncture, 2nd session yesterday! I don't normally get positives on OPKs although I do think I ovulate from reading my BBT charts. Anyway, yesterday morning I had a neg on CB dual, acu last night and then this morning peak, not even a high flashy face just straight to peak! not sure if it is connected but I am feeling positive. We DTD this morning too so got everything crossed. xx
I massively recommend acupuncture. It helped us. Do you know why your cycles aren't regular? I suffered from high fsh levels. The acupuncture basically got my ovaries working better and shortened my cycles. I also had something the month we conceived called a moxa box where heat what put in the area of my abdomen. I'm sure that made a huge difference. Good luck x
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Oh and also don't just necessarily look at ones who specialise In fertility. They charge twice as much and do the same thing. Worth looking around a bit.

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