Anyone NOT got a hungry baby?


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2007
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Everyone always seems to be going on about how hungry their babies are and my son is the complete opposite.

Hes 16 weeks on friday and only manages to finish 5oz ever 4 or so hours? If i offer him the botttle any sooner he just rolls it round on his tounge. Sometimes he'll only take 3oz. he sleeps right through from half 7 till 6 as well! He still suffers badly from colic and im wondering if trapped wind has something do do with him not taking in enough?

He doesnt seem upset but surely hes not taking in enough? :think:
Hi Sage,

don't worry, Asher has never been a hungry baby.

I don't know how much he had before 6 months, as I was exclusivley breastfeeding, but now he has 2 bottles of formula a day and 2 breastfeeds. If we're lucky he'll take 5 ounces from one bottle and 7 ounces from the other. But it's more usually 4 ounces from the first lunchtime bottle and 5-6 ounces from his afternoon one.

When he wakes up in the morning he rarely stays on the boob very long either.

He's on the 25th percentile, so not really tiny. He sleeps well and has a good temperament.

So I don't think it's a problem at all. I'm sure at 16 weeks Ash wouldn't have managed 5 ounces. And he's 7 months now! Of course, he is also on solids.

dont worry hun Hannah has NEVER had more than a 6oz bottle even when she was weaned at 20 weeks she was only taking 5/6 oz bottles every 4/5 hours
I've got an undereater here too!

Mhairi would never take more than 5 oz, sometimes only 2 oz!

I thought I would be weaning her when she was in school!

But she's now on 3 ish meals a day, and has started draining the odd 7 oz bottle (but she has usually fallen asleep half way through and dreamfeeds the rest!), I'm not worried about her, she's a happy, healthy wee girl!

Lily is the same. the other night she only had 1oz fell asleep (11pm) and didnt wake up untill 9am so I wouldnt worry. I was starting to think I was the only one who didnt have a biff baby too :rotfl:
Aimee wasn't, still isn't a big eater. At one point when she was about 3 months old she was only taking 7oz all day. She just gets full up really easily.
HV were never too worried about her that just the way she is. I started weaning her about 16 weeks cos at least she was getting some food and she took to it well and still had the same amount of milk. Now she can get full of 1 spoon of beans, I wish I could do the same :rotfl: She's a bit under weight, between the 9th and the 25th centile but she is just a small eater.

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