anyone know?


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2008
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hi guys.
My OH and i are undergoing tests on our fertility. we were just wondering if anyone knows of a lower age limit for IVF in the UK. i've been searching the web and cant find much. it would seem it may be about 23, but i cant find the exact number, and would this number be for both of us to be over 23 or just one of us?

thanks girls xx
Do mean NHS IVF or private? I wouldn't have thought private IVF was as restricted as NHS. When i had NHS treatment i think their rules for my area was 23, my friend who is in oxford has been told 35 though! It varies around the country. 23 is the lowest i know of, other than that the only option is private treatment. The age limit for your area will depend on your PCT, if you call them they will tell you what all the requirements are for you to qualify for NHS treatment.

Hope this helps, good luck.

Michelle x
thanks michelle. yeah i meant NHS, theres no way we can afford private.
that helps alot. thank you xx :hug:
Surely it would depend on the reason for your going for the IVF. If you have proven infertility then surely age has nothing to do with it. You are probably too young to have 'unexplained infertility' so I'm assuming one of you has a definate problem. So in that case I can't understand why there would be a lower age limit.

This probably isn't a lot of help as its only my thoughts, not facts. Good luck though.
You still have to fit all the NHS requirements for them to treat you no matter what the reason for needing IVF. We have male infertility but if my bmi had been too high or i had been under 23 for example then i wouldn't have been given NHS IVF. It varies around the country some areas have stricter guildelines than others.

My friends partner had something wrong with him as a child which has caused infertility but in their county you had to have been ttc for over 3 years before receiving NHS treatment even though there was no point in them ttc! They had to go private. Another friend cant even go on the waiting list until she is 35.
I dont know, it will depend on the PCT for the NHS in your area. It varies around the country. I cant even remember what it said about BMI for our treatment as it didn't really apply. My friend has been told she needs to lose 2-3 stone by the NHS consultant. I really think they put some of these restrictions in place so that less people qualify for treatment. :evil: :wall:


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