Anyone know any stats on due dates vs actual birth dates?


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2006
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My OH and my parents keep saying they "think" I'll have this baby early. For no reason at all. They just seems to be guessing or something. But, I am sure I've read somewhere that most babies arrive late. :think:

Does anyone have any stats about what percentage of babies are born early / on date / late?
I always thought 1st babies were late but at my antenatal class recently the mw said that only about 10% of babies arrive late. :shock: your OH and parents might just be onto something.
dont know about arriving early/late but i know its only about 5% are born on their due date :D
Just trying to find them - but in the process I found this which is really quite interesting...
Hmmm so my baby is due on 16th Sep rather than 13th Sep then! :?
It is certianly something I am interested in.

I wasn't induced with my DD but was a day off it.
I really didn't want to be induced but was told if I didn't have her by the next day then I would - end of discussion :shock:

I am determined it won;t happen next time. Providing baby is OK they can pish off!!
monster_munch said:
I am determined it won;t happen next time. Providing baby is OK they can pish off!!

Well said :rotfl:
canwe refuse refuse being induced if we want to? i was induced with dd but for a medicl reason, i had a infection due to loss of waters without realising. but if there is no medical reason i wouldnt like to be induced again so would i be able to refuse.

I think you can up to a point.
And some hospitals / midwives are better than others.

My hospital said that if I got to 10 days over then I would be induced. End of, but in my pregnancy info pack it said that they would chack you and then provided you and baby were Ok they might let you go on and check you every other day.

As it was my first baby I was too scared to say "No - I don't want to be induced yet" but when I get PG again, if it came to it I would seriously stand up for myself.
Sabrina said:
My OH and my parents keep saying they "think" I'll have this baby early. For no reason at all. They just seems to be guessing or something. But, I am sure I've read somewhere that most babies arrive late. :think:

Does anyone have any stats about what percentage of babies are born early / on date / late?

I was in the bath yesterday wondering exactly the same thing...

great minds eh Sabrina...?! :wink:

Hmm this is interesting.
Ive noticed most have their LO's within a few days of their due dates .
Thanks ladies and thanks Little Red for posting those stats.
TangerineDream - I think we are on the same track - we are both hoping LO arrives soon hey?! :)

Seems like as I'm already 38+1weeks I can expect LO to arrive sometime over the next 3 weeks. :lol: I'm also trying to avoid getting to the stage where I'll be induced.

My Consultant asked me to book an appt to see him at 41+3 but said he'd like to see me in the Labour Ward before then. I'm thinking exactly the same thing!
I was told you can go up to 10 days after your due date before being induced. Something to do with the time scale, you can be 2 weeks off your conception date or something, never understood that.

I was also told when given your due date and you are 1 day late, to refuse to be induced, it won't distress the baby.

Saying that, you should do what you feel is best xx

my spelling sucks!

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