anyone having or not having sex in first tri?


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2008
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Soon as i found out I was like, right thats it! no more till 12 weeks and i know everything is safe and ok. But then at 7 weeks i cud take no more! stupidly enough i felt a bit guilty that i may have hurt baby in some way as it wasnt over 12 weeks yet. Anyone else having issues with sex???
I say make the most of it before you get a bump!

I've had sex in all pregnancies with no probs. Had some bleeding in 1st pregancy at about 5 months so stopped for a while but seriously, unless a doctor has told you otherwise or you've had problems previously then have fun and bonk away!!!
we are still having sex :) only difference is i not as energetic as I used to be during!!
i wasnt too worried about having sex harming baby as i had read it shouldnt do anything to hurt them, but i went completely off sex in the first tri, i was too tired and felt crap all the time, and TBH it made me feel sick the thought of having sex! as my pregnancy has progressed i am fine with sex but still dont do it as often as we did pre-pregnancy! the thing now is the bump gets in the way lol
We still have sex (well not at the moment as DH is away for 3 weeks), but generally only once a week or so as my sex drive has dried up somewhat.

I have no issue with it hurting the baby (I have done my research), and dont think its fair of me to deprive my DH when I wanted him to BD all the time whilst TTC.....

Many men go off sex when their OH is pregnant so Im just pleased that my DH still finds me attractive :D
i was too tired in first tri (plus i got told not to because i had spotting) but it is safe to have sex all the way through pregnancy, as the others have said make the most of it before you get a bump :)
I dont want sex till my scan at 8 weeks so nervous something will go wrong or i'll start bleeding then i'd feel so guilty. My husband says he's ok with it and not to interested in it epecially after telling him about the cm thats coming out of my body at the mo!
I'm too scared to have sex, especially after my previous m/c (not that sex had anything to do with it, it's just psychological i think)

Also i've been having lots of twinges and cramps, so not really feeling like letting ANYTHING close to my lady garden (which, while we're on the subject, really needs a good bikini wax, but i'm even putting off having that done, as i've heard it's more painful when you're pregnant!)
I dont get as much as i want, lol, my bloke complained to the midwife in my last preganancy cos at the last ten weeks i couldnt get enough n he couldnt keep up. Men!!!
No idea if it's coincidence or the oregnancy but my OHs sex drive has gone through the roof since he found out! Reckon he must be trying to get it all in before latter stages/ baby's arrival!
My sex drive has become non existant lol and my bf is gettin so frustrated.

I feel bad but Im just never in the mood.

JayK2387 said:
My sex drive has become non existant lol and my bf is gettin so frustrated.

I feel bad but Im just never in the mood.


I was the same and its still not come back! poor OH!

Claire x
None for us. heck i couldnt even be bothered last month :lol:
I think as long as youre feeling fine and got no previous history then theres no reason not to still go for it.
im with clairebear im too knackered and guaranteed i go to bed before OH every night coz i cant see past 9pm :sleep:
I would definately recommend making the most of it whilst you haven't got a bump getting in the way! DH and I didn't stop having sex in first tri and I think it helped to make us feel closer now sex can be really hard work and abit akward at times and I really miss nice close sex without a big bump in the way, unless you have been advised not to have sex by doctors there is no reason to worry that you will do baby any harm :hug: :hug:

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