waterlilie said:
Well i'm thinking i might be having the same problem!
haven't been diagnosed yet (seeing a gyneocologist in 3 weeks time) but have done some reading about endometriosis and i do have some of the symptoms described by women. I also read that it could be an obstacle to conception if severe so i'm quite worried and i know i'll be devastated if it turned out to be the case...
What were your symptoms then and what makes you think it's back now? it's great that you managed to have your daughter though
Hi hun, well it was a long road to my diagnosis
In about 1999 I started having bad abdominal cramps, not just during my period but throughout the month. These pains got worse and worse over the yr and I was referred to a gynae. Over the course of 5 yrs I was passed from Dr to dr and the pain got increasingly bad. I was put on anti biotics on numerous occasions, and told I was fine...one dr even suggested it was in my head
I am not the type to complain so I was so angry she suggested this
TBH though I got to a point where I thought maybe I was a hypo
In 2004 I was referred to yet another dr and she suggested a laparoscopy (she was shocked that no one else had suggested it!), had the procedure and hey presto diagnosed with Endo! I felt such a relief at finally knowing what it was! The Dr said it was quite a bad case and referred me to a specialist who recommended immediate surgery to remove some of the scar tissue around my womb, bowl and ligaments.
After I got married in 2005 my Dr suggested we not wait too long TTC as the scar tissue was starting to grow back again (they could see from an internal scan) so time was not on our side. In 2007 we started TTC, we were told not to expect much but 7 months later I got my BFP
Well I know it's returning as the abdominal cramps are starting to return. These are especially prevalent leading up to my period and the pain is quite bad. It is different for everyone though depending on where the scar tissue is growing. Mine is around my womb, ligaments and bowl so I also get pains going to the loo
A lot of people get heavy periods too.
If you suspect you have it then go and get it checked asap. It can cause big problems if you have scarring in your fallopian tubes. Although there is unfort no cure they can manage it with surgery. Also some pills like Dianette or the Mirena Coil can help slow down the rate of growth.
Do you have a gynae you can speak to?