im a bit worried, i ovulated on fri night /sat morning (according to ov test)
yesterday sun i had a spot of blood stained mucus sorry tmi, then the same again today but a bit more than yesterday..
i was surfing the net trying to find out what the cause was but none the wiser read about luteal phase defect and ov bleeding etc but im going to the docs tomorrow to up my thyroxine do any of you think i should bother the doc with this or wait to see if it passes?? my AF is usually regular and my LP is the normal length
im a bit worried, i ovulated on fri night /sat morning (according to ov test)
yesterday sun i had a spot of blood stained mucus sorry tmi, then the same again today but a bit more than yesterday..
i was surfing the net trying to find out what the cause was but none the wiser read about luteal phase defect and ov bleeding etc but im going to the docs tomorrow to up my thyroxine do any of you think i should bother the doc with this or wait to see if it passes?? my AF is usually regular and my LP is the normal length