Anyone had 21 Bloods done??


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2010
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I have been to my docs today just to give me a pick me up for when AF arrives.. Pretty certain she will now..

So I didn't tell the doctor I hadn't come on just yet lol.. I thought Id just go and be ahead of myself so as when AF came tomorrow I knew I had something to fall back on this time...

Well... I gave the doc my sob story... Obviously added a further 2 months ontop of my TTC estimate (:fib::fib::fib:as you do lol) and he was lovely.... Straight away he asked me if I had children etc.. All the usual stuff.. Then asked all about OH etc.... He has referred me to the Blood Sciences department (a differant doctors though :eh:) to go have my 21 Bloods done...

So I have this referral paper infront of me.. That says;

B12 - Vitamin B12 and Folate
BONE - Bone Profile
FBC - Full Blood Count
FER - Ferritin
FPG - Glucose
LFT - Liver function Profile
LIP - Lipid Profile
PGR - Progesterone
UE - TSH - Urea/Electrolytes

Im scared now looking at that.. thinking.. God damn how much blood are they gunna need to check ALL THAT!!!! :shock::shock::shock: LOL!!

Anyhow I was wondering if anybody had any advice on whats normal and whats not so I have a heads up and actually have the faintest idea as to what they will be talking about..
Hey LoopyLou

How's you diddling? :flower:

Hehe looks like my last sheet for my bloods when I was poorly over & over again :-) They tested my folate & liver function & thyroid & few other bits & pieces & everything was fine, although I can't tell you what amounts etc are normal though

Sorry that's a really unhelpful post wasn't it :-)

Hahaha thanks Kezza.. Nah not unhelpful at all lol.. Ok maybe a little but I dont mind lol.

Any posts are welcome on my threads lol!

Anyhow.. Urmm.. Im ok I guess.. I deffo think PMS has kicked in.. I dumped my OH an hour ago..... . Then rang him back up and said sorry! (Does that help explain my moods?? haha) Hes amazing tho.. He knows to just ignore me at this time of the month and he just calms me down.. Which kinda infuriates me more... Until I eventually calm down lol...

How you doing??

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Not got any advice hunny just wanted to say goodluck but im hoping your not going to need it and you get your bfp this cycle :fx: x x

Hehe one of those things where you think after sending "why on earth did I just do that, means nothing!!"

Oh hun :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

I'm thinking more of pregnancy hormones & :witch: just teasing as she won't be with you for a while cut a long story short, pants!!!!! Awful day & very fed up :cry: pushing it out my mind though so will be ok :thumbup:

xxxx cut a long story short, pants!!!!! Awful day & very fed up :cry: pushing it out my mind though so will be ok :thumbup:


Your not having a ding dong with one of those dreaded photocopiers are you?? LOL! (Sorry .. Thought it may help make you smile hehe)

Aww thanks M2A - Thigh aches and cramps have gone now though.. How weird... Its like they never existed lol.. Now I just have a stitch.. Feels like Ive ran a marathon.. Ive only washed the bleeding dishes lol.. Hmmm symptom spotting AGAIN --- *Slaps own face HARD*

I had my 21 bloods done today they took about 5 small tubes of blood should get my results in a week or so when I do I will let you know what the correct levels should be for what etc .. hopefully shed some light on it ..... For both of us as I don't have a clue either!!
Hi Hun,

Hope you're ok and you don't end up needing the tests! :hugs:

I'm in Manc like you, don't worry about all the different tests, you basically have one lot of blood take before CD5 and they use that to test everything but your progesterone which you have on CD21 or 7 days before the end of your cycle whatever length it is.

I had my blood taken at the docs though, I didn't have to go anywhere.

I've finished having all my tests and now I've been referred to the specialist so when I get my appointment I'l let you know what goes on there.

Good luck and babydust for tomorrow!

Its really good to get ur bloods done hun cause it could be something really little and they give u a vit or something and then boom.

good luck hun xxx
Hey maybe ..Oohhhh a fellow manc!! If you ever take a trip to the Trafford you will bump into me trust me lol ... you may find me in selfrides pretending to be posh lol.. I live in there!!
I'm actually quite looking forward to this new learning curve.. Abit apprehensive of course but oh what the hell ... Bring it on!!! I'm a tough cookie! It's a pain in the bottom having to go into a different town just to get these tests done though!! Boooooooo!! All for a worthy cause though!!!
Sorry if I'm being ignorant and have misread .. Have you had your results back and that's why you have been referred to specialist? Or is that procedure? Do the specialists give you results?

Aww thanks apple your right! It's something deffinately worth doing! Xx
Hi there...
ive had sooo many day 21 bloods taken!...
please dont worry its quick and they only take one tube of blood for day 21 test. looking at your list you may have to have two more tubes
From what i remember of these...

B12 - Vitamin B12 and Folate ( this is what helps OH sperm be heathly and girls our eggs!)
BONE - Bone Profile
FBC - Full Blood Count
FER - Ferritin
FPG - Glucose
LFT - Liver function Profile
LIP - Lipid Profile
PGR - Progesterone ( this is the day 21 test to see if your level is above 30 its states you have ovulated which gives you a higher chance of falling)
UE - TSH - Urea/Electrolytes
The others are to gage the rest of your body so they can look into why your not falling.
Hey maybe ..Oohhhh a fellow manc!! If you ever take a trip to the Trafford you will bump into me trust me lol ... you may find me in selfrides pretending to be posh lol.. I live in there!!
I'm actually quite looking forward to this new learning curve.. Abit apprehensive of course but oh what the hell ... Bring it on!!! I'm a tough cookie! It's a pain in the bottom having to go into a different town just to get these tests done though!! Boooooooo!! All for a worthy cause though!!!
Sorry if I'm being ignorant and have misread .. Have you had your results back and that's why you have been referred to specialist? Or is that procedure? Do the specialists give you results?

Aww thanks apple your right! It's something deffinately worth doing! Xx

Hi Hun,

Yep always in that bloody place, my bank statement reads-

Petrol station-

You get the picture lol! Do you work there?

Anyway Hun, I have had my results back and they have come back ok, hubby has had his semen analysis and we get the results today. The docs have rules that you have to have all the tests done before they are allowed to refer you so the other things they might do is an ultrasound scan on you, and a semen analysis on your boyfriend.

I think the reason I'm getting referred is to have a HSG where you have an investigation with a camera, to rule other probs out seen as the other tests are ok.

Hope that helps, did you test yet today??

Thanks Deborah!! Im not as nervous now haha xx
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Hey maybe ..Oohhhh a fellow manc!! If you ever take a trip to the Trafford you will bump into me trust me lol ... you may find me in selfrides pretending to be posh lol.. I live in there!!
I'm actually quite looking forward to this new learning curve.. Abit apprehensive of course but oh what the hell ... Bring it on!!! I'm a tough cookie! It's a pain in the bottom having to go into a different town just to get these tests done though!! Boooooooo!! All for a worthy cause though!!!
Sorry if I'm being ignorant and have misread .. Have you had your results back and that's why you have been referred to specialist? Or is that procedure? Do the specialists give you results?

Aww thanks apple your right! It's something deffinately worth doing! Xx

Hi Hun,

Yep always in that bloody place, my bank statement reads-

Petrol station-

You get the picture lol! Do you work there?

Anyway Hun, I have had my results back and they have come back ok, hubby has had his semen analysis and we get the results today. The docs have rules that you have to have all the tests done before they are allowed to refer you so the other things they might do is an ultrasound scan on you, and a semen analysis on your boyfriend.

I think the reason I'm getting referred is to have a HSG where you have an investigation with a camera, to rule other probs out seen as the other tests are ok.

Hope that helps, did you test yet today??


Hahaha Maybe I know what you mean!!

Noooo god no I don't work there!! I'd be bankrupt if I did lol.. No I just spend every Friday night at the Trafford with OH and Friends.. We usually meet up and go for a meal and then to the Pictures. Then Saturday I go for abit of a shop if im in the mood.. Which in most cases.. Im always in the mood for new clothes lol.

Oohhh glad yours have come back ok.. Thats brilliant.. Least you can put that one out your mind.. I really hope your hubby's comes back really good as well.. Keep me informed!!

Well 14DPO - Havn't tested today.. No sign of AF.. Even had a little feel of the cervix and it is pretty high up.. It is just within my reach of my nails (my nails are stupidly long lol) but not within reach to feel for whether its open or closed or firm or soft.... Guess that means AF wont be here today then.. Its supposed to come quite low before bleeding... I have a CBD but im so scared of using it.. I tested on a cheapie last night and BFN so I think I would be wasting the digi if I used that today.


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